Bug: Augment3d and Robe Spot 575 XT (M2)


I've recently discovered a few bugs when using Robe Spot 575 XT on Augment3d.

1. It seems to always have the 3-facet prism engaged, no matter what the parameters of the fixture are set to. 

2. If you activate the continuous wheel spin on Color Wheel 1, it will not deactivate until Eos is restarted.

This has only been tested on Augment3d, not sure if this behavior also affects the actual fixtures.

I've tried it on both Mac and Windows (10) and had the same results (Nomad Eos v3.0.2.6)

  • Hi  ,

    For Item 1, that is being tracked in EOS-51517 and will only affect Augment3d visualization and not real world control. It is targeted for a future release.

    For Item 2, this has been corrected in Augment3d 1.2.0 inside 3.1.0 which is in open beta currently:  Eos 3.1.5 Open Beta

    Edit: Item 2 was not fixed as previously thought. It is being tracked as a side effect of EOS-51909. A workaround is to remove the word "spin" from the description to not visualize spinning the color wheel.

  • Hi  ,

    For Item 1, that is being tracked in EOS-51517 and will only affect Augment3d visualization and not real world control. It is targeted for a future release.

    For Item 2, this has been corrected in Augment3d 1.2.0 inside 3.1.0 which is in open beta currently:  Eos 3.1.5 Open Beta

    Edit: Item 2 was not fixed as previously thought. It is being tracked as a side effect of EOS-51909. A workaround is to remove the word "spin" from the description to not visualize spinning the color wheel.
