Custom fixtures parameters settings weird intensity functional

Hi Everyone, I am new in this room and I am struggling  with a Chinese mini wash 5X15W

after creating the fixture with the below dmx 14 ch  , the intensity parameter is weird...

even after setting 4 ranges as per the below table

at 0 the fixture is ON

at full it strobe

other functions such as color picker, Pan tilt, color changing is working

Thanks for your support


Parents Reply Children
  • Dear Oumar,

    it is quite hard to help you without testing with the unit itself.

    And the Ranges in your Intensity are nice to have a look at.

    The Fixture is quite something different : )

    What jumped to my eye was the Pan and Tilt. They most likely are 16bit.

    You can change that by clicking at there DMX-Addr. in the DMX coloumn.

    And the Movementspeed is set up Virtual in your Fixture. In the Manual, it is DMX Ch5.



  • Dear Thilda

    thanks for your response i already tried 16 and 8 bits in the pan and tilt , The issue here is the intensity in DMX channel 6 of the fixture that had range as per the manual and i cannot set it right ..

    The behaviour of the intensity is weird when i am @ out the light is on and when @full its a strobe...


