Why does the first Go on a cue list include an Assert?

I hate when I have manual data that gets lost when pressing Go on a cue list. I want to be able to have a Cue list in my show that has no effect at all on anything other than a specific channel. Is this even possible?


  • this will not make a difference in your situation right now, but it's still important to note: it's not the first cue that has an assert.

    you're using probably Go From Last = Wrap? this is an out-of-sequence command which (like all other OOS commands) triggers the assert behavior.

    some other examples are:


    instead of Go From Last try using
    Cue <last cue> Link <first cue> Loop 0 Enter

  • amasing that the {Loop} 0 at the end did the trick.
    with only {Link} it is not working.

    thanks you very much

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