Why Do The Screens Have to Change So Much???


Why is it that at pretty much every given moment during a long day of programming lights on ETC eos or Ion, 50% of my time is spent switching back to the screen I was previously on because the software thought I wanted to see a totally different screen? I get that it wants to show me the most relevant screen depending on context, but the screens probably shouldn't be break dancing every time I hit a button on the console. My biggest gripe is its fascination with forcing me to see a magic sheet or live table every time I switch back into live.

How do I make it stop shoving this thing in my face 361 times a day when I only want to look at it 4-5 times a day?

I really wish these things would stop trying to read my mind. They're really bad at it. If I keep going back to a certain screen over and over again, stop fighting me and just stay on that stupid screen. 

ETC's fundamental architecture probably shouldn't have this deeply engrained philosophy of, "change the user's screens as often as possible". 

Not sure if this is a question or discussion, probably both, but if anyone knows of a button hiding somewhere that turns the screen-changing off, I'd love to know about it. But it definitely seems like this is part of ETC's core philosophy: "change the screens depending on context whether this is helpful to the user or not". 

  • If your critic is so massiv you have the wrong Desk,...

    Keyframes not work in theater.
    Because the most shows are not a Timecode Show.
    95% of all Shows are act via Cues and Action on Stage.

    Change your Thinking.
    See a Cue as a Keyframe.
    You can say:

    So with keyframes, we can say that Channel 1 should start at 0% intensity on Cue 1 and by Cue 100, it should be at Full. Meanwhile, there are 99 other things happening with dozens of other lights. 

    beacuse the Cues are not connect to each other, 
    You can run all Cues you have program same time, you can say, THIS cue is (now) the leader (Assert) and all other Lamps do what he say.
    It is possible say, Cue 1 Channel 1 at Full in 99:00 Minute.
    And during this Cue runs, you can start all other Cues as you want.
    As long the Channel 1 is not use in other Cues or you not say Cue XY Assert (for Channel 1) the Channel 1 will not get impress by what you do.

    Your thinking seams is like a permanet Timeline and you add Events, Keys (or however you call it) and you can slide this Key all along this Timeline.
    That not work in a Theater.
    (And at the end,.... a Cuelist with times for every Cue is also a Timeline with Keys you can slide them to any position you want,... the graphic is different, the way it looks,... but the princip is same...)
    Think about an Actor "kill" 2-3-4 sentences/side from Textbook and you have several action during he jumps around in his text.
    How do the Keyfranes then help?
    In a Cue-List you say: Okay, i will wait until he is back in Line with text and prepare Cue XY on my Master Playback. So all Moveinstructions will act, all Lamps will stay correct and we can play so the Audience never notice he have jump around.
    How do you solve this with Keyframes?
    In your case you must correct every Keyframe seperate in your Timeline, include the "Dark-Moves" you need.

    Try it.
    Use Blender as a "LightDesk".
    Every Node is a Lamp and then you try programm a show with 300-400 lamps.
    Nodes are also Cue and then try correct a Show....
    Try programm a show ala the ESC or a Musical with 700 Cues...

    At the End they all -EOS and Blender- works with "If-Then"
    So it must be possible "programm" a LightShow with Blender...

    Look of Groups:

    I work with Snapshots.
    My Snapshot 1 is my LIVE Screen.
    In this Snapshot i have store what Flexi Style will be use, what Format for Channels is use, where do i open new Screens, this Screen is the Screen where i work with (gilden border is shown, so if i scroll, my Channels and not my PSD will scroll up-down), i have store the Zoom of the Screen and all settings the Gear Icon give me for this Screen.

    I have also Snapshots for Preset (via Direct Select) and Preset BLIND.
    Preset Blind open the Blind Screen for Presets. 
    In this i have the golden Border, the Flexi State,....
    If you not store it as a Snapshot but as a Macro, you can also add "Select Last"... and your last Selection will automatic shown in the Preset Blind.
    For back to LIVE you can also store a Macro and add Channel [lowest Channelnumber you have in the Show] ENTER Clear_CMD and EOS switch back to "Full Screen" Show Channelnumbers.
    In BLIND-LIVE EOS allways ever switch back to the last Channel you have select in Blind....
    With Snapshots you can reduce the Screens switching
    You can also select what Monitors are store in a Snapshot, the Encoder Status, the Faderpage, is the CIA is open or close, it is lock or unlock,....
    And as ever,... you can store all this Snapshots in Macros and route this Macros to the Faderbuttonsas Submaster or at the Macrobuttons 801-808 (on EOS Ti, Gio@5, Apex,... you have other counts of free knobs you can choose....)

    The BLIND Knob is the knob that i most not use on EOS.

    The idea of EOS (and many other Lightsdesk in this class) is, you can create all views YOU need for your work.
    YOU can create all that is comfortable for your workflow.
    And in same show other Programmerguys can same time store the views they wanna work with.
    Read and learn all about Magic Sheet and find out what a wappon EOS give with this.

    And yes,.... the Snapshots at the moment a little buggy,... they not ever jumps back as you have programm them,... but that is a question of Issue List ETC have and find time correct this.

  • Keyframes not work in theater.
    Because the most shows are not a Timecode Show.
    Of course this is talking about timecode, not anything else. 

    Well I'm not talking about those shows, am I? Honestly this isn't even true, as most theaters want to use click tracks these days. 

    Snapshots, yes, I have bump buttons for those... but my point remains—the board is fighting me and it shouldn't be doing that. I shouldn't need to keep my hand constantly by that bump button. 

    Your thinking seams is like a permanet Timeline and you add Events, Keys (or however you call it) and you can slide this Key all along this Timeline.
    That not work in a Theater.

    Of course it would... in timecoded shows...

    I'm very clearly talking specifically about timecoded shows...

    I've heard several people say that ETC is bad for busking, so you would assume it must be great for live theatre, right? Wrong. It's not great for live theatre because when you try to do super advanced things with it, it actively fights you, and you have to come up with all these different workarounds to solve problems that the board itself is creating. The board is good for live cued shows? Great. That's the bare minimum. That's nothing to brag about. 

  • By "super advanced", I mean a timecoded, 3 minute song with 200 cues inside it. 

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