Creating a new Fixture Profile


We got a set of new lights for our theater and are trying to create the fixture profile for them, however, the effects parameter for the fixture profile is tripping us up.

So in the manual for the lights, it has under channel 14 of the fixture, two different modes.  One is Static Effects and the other is Dynamic Effects.

Within those two modes, there are at least 20-25 different effect parameters.  For example, effect 1 (0-5), effect 2 (6-10), etc up to 255.

But when looking at the fixture profile creator, I can't find exactly what I choose for entering in those effects.  What would I choose?  I see effect head, color effect, etc as options, but don't just see something titled effect or dynamic effect or static effect.

Sorry if this doesn't make sense, but hopefully someone understands and can provide insight?


Parents Reply
  • Thanks for the reply.  It's for a Vello Magic T12.  I had posted the manual and a request over in the fixture profile request forum to see if someone could maybe add the fixture profile in the future to make it easier for those who might purchase this one, however heard it can take awile.

    So, in the mean time, since we already got these lights, decided to give it a try to see what I could come up with myself.  I'll have to look closer at the manual: and see if I can understand better the effects portion of the parameters to know exactly what they do (color, focus, etc).  For reference we would likely be using the standard (20 ch) mode instead of the extended (57 ch) mode.  Although under the 57 ch mode, they don't mention anything like effects under the parameter section.

    Anyway, appreciate the reply as it does make a lot of sense to view it the way you said.  Thanks.
