Update Group behavior


It seems with one of the Eos 3.2.X releases the behavior of [Update Group] in Live has changed. Let me explain:

I have a Group 1 containing channels 1 thru 5. Channels 6 thru 10 are manual in Live. In Live with a clear command line I type: [Chan 11 Thru 15 Update Group 1 Enter] .
If Channels 11 thru 15 are not manual themselves they will not update in to the group when other channels are manual. If they themselves are manual they will update into the group. If there are no channels manual at all the syntax will update the channels into the group.

Do you think this is expected behavior or is this a bug? I get that the update button only updates manual values in all other cases, but it was never the case before for groups.

Thanks, Jasper

Parents Reply Children
  • Thanks, it still feels like a big change if you have been using this workflow in, for example, updating a group with non-dims for movers really fast in between programming for years and suddenly this doesn't work any more. As Mathilda also mentions, this could result in errors that affect a show.
    And what about my other point I raised about the syntax still working with no manual values at all in live? I got a lot of colleague programmers saying: "I can update groups offline on another desk, but not on the desk on stage". This led me to investigate to find that the syntax works with no manual values in Live. To be really consistent this should also not work.
