ETC NOMAD - Working fixtures

I have 3 fixtures that aren´t working 100% in the augmented 3D.

All 3 fixtures i have them in the showroom and i use them with the old Element.

But in the augmented 3D they don´t work proprely. One of the fixtures profile has been created by ETC team but all are doing similiar the same.

Varytec Led Optic Par Zoom RGB -> Strobe doesn´t work

- In the fixture profile it has been atributed the "Shutter Strobe" parameter, with 1 range or 2 it doesn´t do anything.

Weinas M575 Moving Head -> Color Selection doesn´t work or Gobo Selection

In the fixture profile it has been atributed the "Color Selector" with 9 parameters, it doesn´t do anything. Same with Gobo

Odeum Wash -> Cooling Fan, Color Mix, Color Temperture doesn´t work.

- Profile has been created by ETC Team, it all seems correct but there is no response when i select the various options.

Anyway, other functions are ok, Pan and tilt, on Odeum mixing colors manually they work, Zoom is ok, Edge is ok.

Where is the problem here? I believe it´s more a Nomad config then a problem in fixture profile.

Thanks in advance.

  • Thank you for reaching out.

    Without seeing the two fixture profiles you created yourself I can't tell you what went wrong. You can send us a showfile to eos(dot)moderator(at)etcconnect(dot)com.

    Regarding the Odeum:

    • Cooling Fan: That's the fan to keep the fixture cool, this can't be visualised.
    • ColorMix: The profile lacks information which color the fixture shows when you choose e.g. Color 1. You can add this if you change the parameter name to Color Select which allows to create a color wheel and then add it to the channel.
    • Color Temperature currently isn't visualised in Augment3d.
  • Thank you for the reply.

    All my fixtures work in the pysical world, only on augmented 3D this doesn´t happen.

    But after reading your post i understand there is a lack of information for the fixtures. They don´t know what gobos or colors existe so they can´t work proprely, when i create a new fixture i have to input the information, right? If so, how can i do it? I´ve been searching in ETC youtube channel, on the augmented 3D playlist, but there is no information on this kind of problem.

    Thank you

  • Thank you for the reply.

    All my fixtures work in the pysical world, only on augmented 3D this doesn´t happen.

    But after reading your post i understand there is a lack of information for the fixtures. They don´t know what gobos or colors existe so they can´t work proprely, when i create a new fixture i have to input the information, right? If so, how can i do it? I´ve been searching in ETC youtube channel, on the augmented 3D playlist, but there is no information on this kind of problem.

    Thank you
