Magic Sheet SVG Symbol

Is there any plans to improve the SVG Symbols system to be more finely controlled?

There has been a number of requests over the years for this but there doesn't seem to be much in the way of official comment on these things ever coming.

For reference, a quick search turned up the following requests for this:

[Feature Request] New Advanced SVG Symbol Type

MS Multi Cell svg Symbol

Feature Request: Magic Sheet Multicell SVG layers

Custom Magic Sheet Symbols

The most common one of recent is the ability to make symbols for multi-cell fixtures, but there are some requests from the last one on the list (From 7 years ago) that would still be much appreciated, such as a layer just for drawing.

I'm currently building some symbols but keep running into limitations with the current 6 layer system. For example, having something not outline, react to colour and not intensity in the same symbol as something not outline that reacts to both. Currently there doesn't seem to be a way to do this.

Are there any plans to ever address these requests or is what we have now the best we cam hope for anytime soon?