• Unicast sACN

  • Add a "Full Screen" option to every tab for temporary Full Screen viewing which could then easily be minimized back down without losing your carefully curated frame sizes and positions

    While watching the A3d demo videos, and seeing the number of times (Rob?) was jumping back and forth between a smaller A3D frame in a series of frames vs wanting to look at full screen, I realized this is often a feature I want. With the addition of A3d...
  • Fixture Align Option

    • Under Review on
    • 1 Comment
    Add the option to align fixtures while adjusting their location. Allowing us to align lights in a line with our desired spacing, also allowing us to align the fixture in a circle. Settings would include control over x y z and spacing between lights...
  • Basic Musical Objects

    • Planned for Future on
    • 1 Comment
    It would be great if we could get a handful of basic objects commonly found in concerts. Mic stands, keyboards, drum kit, etc.
  • Definable Zero Point

    • Planned for Future on
    Can we make it so that we can re-define the zero point inside of A3D? Often my zero point in my drafting is a reference point rather than the center of my drawing. A3D seems to really like using the Zero point as a starting point for the camera views...
  • Changing Common Soft keys

    • Planned for Future on
    • 1 Comment
    You could add an option, that you can change the common softkeys in the macroeditor.
  • Mirror Copy

    • Planned for Future on
    Is it possible to Mirror Copy a selection of items such as walls? Many Thanks
  • Feature requests specific to film/tv

    • Under Review on
    Please add a color crossfade fixture that can xfade between a ww and cw channel via a custom color temp virtual param (this exists in other desks and would be extremely helpful to those film&TV) And please remove the 12 virtual layer limit in pixel...
  • No tooltip for scale and size in Augment3d

    • Coming Soon on
    • 1 Comment
    I'm getting a little confused between scale and size, as the changing of one affects the other. All the other attributes in the inspector panel have tooltips, apart from these two. It would be really helpful. Thanks!
  • show control - fader

    • Planned for Future on
    Hey there, I'd like to be able to map show control events to faders, not only to submasters etc. Thanks Lars