• Cue Time Fader

    • 1 Comment
    A fader like the Manual Time Fader but for cues. This would be like the "Exec Time" fader from MA. There would be an option in cue list settings for a cue list to "listen" to the Fader for timing. Would be useful for busking when you could have a cue...
  • Multi Console Messaging

    • 1 Comment
    It would be great if you could send messages between users in multi console set ups. This would be bennifitial for environments where our programmers cannot speak and would mean we wouldn't need to set up alternative forms of communication.
  • Highlight Timing

    It would be great if there was an additional manual timing setting for "Highlight Time". Highlighting is one of the most jarring things we do on stage during technical rehearsals, and it would be great if we could fade into the highlight state instead...
  • Copy To -> Move To -> Exchange With

    Sometimes i really need an exchange. For channel values in the cue, or exchanging of groups/pallets, but first thing mostly. Please, ETC!
  • Variables and If/Then/Else syntax for Macros

    • 1 Comment
    Be able to use variables inside a macro, for instance specify x as a value then have x used in multiple places within the same macros. Also on a similar note, to be able to use an If, Then, Else style syntax to enable advanced programming in macros...
  • Macro (and other) Names use across all areas in EOS

    The "problem" is, i name a macro, load it on a Submaster and give this Submaster on a faderknob. And normal i expect, in the Field the Name for the Macro will shown. But i get only the Macro Number. I don`t know all 100-200 Macros i have only by Number...
  • Control EOS with midi controller like Cobalt does

    Why nomad users need to use a third party software to control EOS with midi controler? Let us use midi to control faders, macros and desk keys with control changes and midi notes.
  • Timeline concepts in Eos..

    I think it would be very useful and nice to be able to have a timeline in Eos! Regards Giovanni
  • Feature Request: Automark-Off on per fixture basis

    • 1 Comment
    Dear people at ETC, I really appreciate having auto-mark functionality at hand. That said from time to time I stumble into situations where I would love to switch it off not for the whole Q but just for a (couple of) specific fixture(s). I know it´s possible...
  • Magic Sheet SVG Symbol

    Is there any plans to improve the SVG Symbols system to be more finely controlled? There has been a number of requests over the years for this but there doesn't seem to be much in the way of official comment on these things ever coming. For reference...