Feature and improvement suggestions

Feedback from users like you help us shape and improve Eos for all productions. We receive a large number of feature requests and suggestions from many sources, including this forum. Your comments and votes help us understand which features you’re passionate about, but there are many additional factors which inform development prioritization for any given release.

The most helpful information you can provide us when commenting on issues is how a particular suggestion would help you. If you describe your use-case and how the suggested change would benefit your work, it lets us gain a much deeper understanding of the need behind the suggestion. Suggestions often have an impact on what we work on, even if we ultimately choose not to implement a suggestion exactly as it’s described. Our ultimate goal is to understand what you and all users need and to create solutions that meet those needs. Occasionally, that’ll mean implementing a suggestion as described, but it usually means working to understand the need behind the suggestion and how we can meet that need for as many users as possible.

While we endeavor to update and respond to popular suggestions, the volume we receive means there will be occasions when we can’t provide an update or response in a timely manner. For bugs and show-critical issues, please use our standard forums and support structures: https://www.etcconnect.com/Contact/Technical-Support.aspx

  • Text search function for gel and or color pallettes

    As it says please give us a search bar for colors both in console and or names we give new ones. Thank you.
  • Add "Color Temperature" as an option for a "field" in a magic sheet object

    • 1 Comment
    As you can probably guess by the request to add Color Temperature features, I work in the film and TV world. 90% of the time I'm using Color Temperature to control the color of our units rather than RGBAWetc. It would be awesome if I could select...
  • Staging Mode in Live

    It would be really helpful if staging mode also outputted(turn on actual lights) into live, so you can do an A/B comparison on the actual stage rather than just in Augment3d. This could be a toggle button in the Manual Control settings to "display in...
  • OSC support for backup & clients

    As it is currently designed, backup & clients ignore incoming OSC. Would love to see OSC RX & TX settings moved into device settings so it can be enabled/disabled per-device.
  • Vertically split Direct Select Banks

    I'd like the ability to split DS Banks vertically. I can only split Banks horizontally and the result is kind of random based upon the number of Rows. 15 Columns of 3 Rows is wider than 15 Columns of 1 Row. If I use the 3 Vertical spaces layout format...
  • Invert Cell Order on MC Fixtures from patch

    Hi there, It would be nice to be able to invert the order of cells from patch for when a fixture may be hung backward and you are unable to either flip the cells on the fixture or physically access it. Mostly asking for linear fixtures, but some grid...
  • Support for Localhost /

    This has been mentioned in many forum threads before, but surprisingly not been added as a feature. Running EOS 3.1.2 (Nomad on a Windows PC) and a lot of OSC, coming from software on the same computer. The lack of support of "Localhost" means permanently...
  • Direct selects for cues

    For busking, I'd like to assign some things to cues, e,g, putting the colours for my wash lights on different cues in cue list 2. It would be great if I could summon a direct select bank to "show all the cues in cuelist 2", and a single tap on each...
  • Add in patch copying to part channels

    In patch chan 82 part 1 <copy to > chan 82 <part> gives Error: Syntax error I would have expected to be able to duplicate a fixture on a channel.
  • Layering of effects

    hello, I think we could really use a feature where we’ll be able to layer effects. example: Effect 1 is a slow Sine Wave intensity effect Effect 2 is a flicker I want to be able to multiply the two, resulting in a flickering sine wave. Another...