• iRFR Macro Buttons

    I would love to see a few assignable macro buttons in the iRFR app on the face panel (when on an iPad) to save some keystrokes. Plus the ability to label them. So I could have one for example that does "@ Full RemDim Sneak Enter"
  • Extinguish mode: Stop the blinking of the displays key

    Hello, love the new face panel controls in 3.1! But, when extiguishing the desklights and monitors, the displays key blinks. I have recently been using it a lot in a very dark/dim show. I always had to place my palm over the displays key because it was...
  • Feature request: Bezier curves!

    Bezier curves! Would love to create highly smooth bezier driven curves for 16-bit parameters. I'm always trying to create smooth easings but they are always too rough.
  • merge 2 augmented plots (venue and touring show)

    Hello, would be quite useful to be able to import a augmented model as we import skp or dae, without replacing the existing aug. would make it easy to get a venue aug and put in it decor, pipes and fixtures from the aug tour show. if this is undoable...
  • Invert Rate and Size columns for Effect Status Display

    In the effects status display the column order is: Delay Rate BPM Size HForm VForm Axis, however, on the encoders wheels the order is Axis, Horizontal, Size, Rate. Please make the order of the columns in line with the order of the encoder wheels. Doing...
  • Swap Values Softkey

    It'd be nice to have a "swap values" softkey where we could select two fixtures and have all of the parameter values from one apply to the other, and vice-versa. This is something that I am asked to do a lot, and the current macro-based way of doing it...
  • Color Palettes apply to same fixtures with parts

    • 1 Comment
    Maybe Im missing a setting somewhere, but I'd love to not be double doing my color palettes for Lustr 2s and Lustr 2s with Icues. The board thinks of them as totally different fixtures. I want to make a palette for the Lustrs and if they are used as parts...
  • Alert time improvements

    A few improvements that could be made with the alert time functionality: Alert time on RFR apps - really helpful when having to run around and activate cues at the same time Larger alert time timer - it can be difficult to, at a glance, see how...
  • Save to a flash drive macro

    • 1 Comment
    I was trying to play around with setting this up, but I couldn't figure out a solution. A flash drive always lives in my console and I would love a macro to save to it like I save to the internal drive. Thanks, Justin
  • OSC Filter and general rework of OSC settings

    There should the possibility to set a an OSC Filter per connection. In the moment client were flooded with data. The /oes/filter/ command is also not in the manual. OSC connections should managed in a list (like in GrandMA3) where I can set IP, connection...