• Disable Ctrl+Space Back with Alt+g

    The Alt+G spacebar Go disable should also disable Ctrl+spacebar back. If you are doing something such as building a magic sheet and copy/pasting and it’s possible to accidentally hit Ctrl+space when wanting to Ctrl+C/V.
  • 12K and 24K Nomad

    Can we please have a 12K and 24K Nomad unlock? Processing power is more than adequate these days in mobile computers.
  • bump/Flash master fader

    i'd like to have a master% fader for the flashing button under each faders
  • Partial Absolute Focus Palettes (z_focus)

    So I just recently did a musical review where all the singers stood on a total of 20 spots on the stage. These points were predetermined and so I decided to use xyz data instead of pan/tilt for all my movers. The issue I kept running into was while...
  • focus traditionnal fixtures as moving lights in augmented

    hello, as it seems very fastidious to focus trad incrementing datas, would it be possible to focus them same as in wyg, as if they were moving lights? using rotations makes it really too long and imperfect, so i don t waste time on it, but would be a...
  • Add single channel to fader quickly to give full intensity control with ability to make an inhibit.

    In a TV studio setting, being able to add a single channel to a fader quickly is very helpful, without needing to record any other subs/presets. (Coming from Congo/Cobalt) Having the ability to make this an inhibit is also very useful.
  • Multi Console Communication - Messenger and System Wide Notes.

    Multi Console Messenger - A way entirely within the console and lighting network to message between users, and all users at once. Besides general communication in places without cell or wifi this would also allow for a running conversation and notes...
  • Edit the Selection Area of Magic Sheet Assets

    It would be very helpful to be able to adjust the size of the selection area of objects within a magic sheet so that they don't get accidentally selected or accidentally left out as easily.
  • High Mark for AutoMark

    It would be great to have a High Mark option for AutoMark.
  • Resize frames by holding tab and clicking and dragging frame border

    • 1 Comment
    Would be nice if we could resize frames without going into the workspace layout menu. Seems like a silly extra step that should be able to be accomplished by holding tab and clicking and dragging on frame borders or something. I know right now holding...