• OSC Wheel Frame Output

    Could the /eos/out/active/wheel output string include names of frames? Something like: /eos/out/active/wheel/15, Gobo Select [2], 4(i), 2.000(f), higgs(s)
  • Invert pan/tilt encoders only

    inverts the pan and tilt only for the encoders.
  • Colour Selector in Magic Sheets

    Hi, It would be awesome to have a colour selector module in magic sheets that can be dragged in. You can set which fixture groups are assigned to each row and which colour palettes on which collums. The colour palettes would match with the individual...
  • VW Focus point to Console Focus Palettes.

    Is there a way to make the focus points created in VW work as moving light focus palettes? Correct me if I am wrong but it seems like at the moment the VW focus points are only used for conventional focus..
  • AutoMark delay

    Hello Please could you add the possibility to set a default delay to the AutoMark in the setup menu ? Thank you
  • Shift +% and Shift -%

    It would be awesome for us nomad users and people who don’t like the intensity wheel to have the ability to change the +% and -% with shift. I would like to be able to select a shift +% and shift -% amount in the CIA so I can quickly change from +/- 10...
  • Grabbing a focus handle should post the channel to the command line and make it selected

    There may be good reasons to not do this that I'm not thinking of but... If you're in Control mode and if you've got a moving light on and you're showing focus handles, right now you have to select the light on the command line first, and then grab...
  • OSC Integration

    So, I just worked on a project with a large turning scenic element. The automation output OSC positioning which was then connected to BlackTrax, so that projections would auto-keystone, fade in and fade out based entirely on the OSC data. While a Channel...
  • Color crossfade parameter doesn't show in augmented.

    • Under Review on
    Film specific lights like the Arri Skypanel, Digital Sputnik and Astera Titan Tube with crossfade parameter between RGB and calibrated signs just shows the light as if it's only in xfade full RGB.
  • Index ML Gobo Wheel To Sync Augmented and Reality

    • Planned for Future on
    • 1 Comment
    Would it be possible to have a feature to index the Gobo wheel of movers to align reality and Augmented if the Gobos haven’t been loaded straight? Maybe use the Gobo rotate field in patch under augmented tab to populate a list for each wheel space to...