• Absolute Effect Actions limit expanded past 99 actions

    I have been using Absolute effects with parameter fliters as a way to ring out lights. Recently I hit the limit of 99 actions in a absolute effect. It would be nice to up that limit. Thank you
  • Tombstone Colors

    I'm new, so there's probably a way to do this, or a way to do something similar, but I would like to change the tombstone channel colors. I used to tape up my old Express which made it really easy to see what area a light was for and what color gel was...
  • XYZ Marking

    • 1 Comment
    When marking a moving light moving into an XYZ palette, it marks in XYZ space! I can’t think of a reason for it needing to do this? The reason I ask it because marking in XYZ space can cause noisy moves at unpredictable moments (specifically if the mover...
  • Disabling of XYZ if not in use

    Hello, I recently had a problem where I had accidentally recorded some channels with XYZ Format enabled in some cues. This led to instant snapping of p/t values of the fixtures, I don't know if that is expected. I would like to be able to remove the XYZ...
  • DHCP and SNTP services for Nomad

    It seems that DHCP and SNTP services are only available for consoles but not for Nomad / Offline. It will helpful when this services are also available for both OS platforms, macOS and WIN10/11
  • A duplicate softkey in Magic Sheets

    I had to pull out a keyboard 5 minutes ago so I could duplicate an already configured element in a Magic Sheet. It was then I realised that I couldn't label it unless I had the keyboard already. SO a double feature request - also have a popup keyboard...
  • Trace in iRFR app

    I've been working on a show for the last few weeks where i was using my iPad to be able to make edits from all over the auditorium. However I realized when I went to update a cue, there was no "Trace" button (and I didn't see one in the Softkeys either...
  • Set a default file extension

    It bugs me that I have to manually select the .esf2 format every morning when I save a new file for the day. I know that there isn't really a difference between an esf2 file and an esf3d file that contains no Augment3d model, but I like to stick to esf2...
  • Partition User Settings

    Make it so that "Recall User Settings" doesn't overwrite the User label.
  • Add Zoom, Edge to Focus Palettes (as User Setting)

    • 1 Comment
    I would like Focus palettes to store Zoom and Edge information in it. I would like to see this as an option in User settings. This would save me from having to use a macro for selective preset recording (and thus not using a hard key on the console...