midimap file

I edited my midimap.txt file so it only contains the following info:

version = 40
go:8 = note:72

I did this because the MIDI trigger to the hog is coming from someone's laptop and I don't want any errant incoming MIDI data to do unintentional button presses during the show. I'm wondering if this is OK to have only the function I need to be in the file. I'm pretty sure this won't affect anything (except for slaving another hog which I'm not doing), but wanted to be 100% on this before I go onsite.
With this file and MIDI connected, when the console sees note 72 coming in, it does a 'GO' on fader 8. Will note off messages afect this command? I'll probably specify to have the trigger in the form of a quarter note so nothing unusual happens.