Maybe this should be in tips and tricks, but how this kind of situation is solved? I have for example 8 groups, which have different amount of PAR and I want fan offset between groups, not single PARs
I.E. You have 8 groups of 4 PARs. User #s 1-32. Select 1>32 and then set your Buddy value to be 4. This will make 1-4 act like fixture 1 in your FAN (or anything else), 4-8 act like fixture 2, 9-12 act like fixtre3, etc., etc., etc.
If the user numbers are not sequential then build a custom group with the correct fixture order to make this happen to save you from typing in the fixture selection order every time:headbang:
I'll have to think on that and try some stuff out....being able to Group/Buddy Groups could really be a great addition to the desk though!
How would we define this differently than regular fixture Grouping/Buddying though?
In the meantime, you can always manually set your offsets by either selecting the group and setting values on a per group basis or select and edit cells within the programmer....but this does take more time than holding down FAN and spinning 1 encoder.
I've been in this kind of programming situation a few times and also I've been asked how to do this... I have solved this the same way as Marty, selecting groups one by one and editing cells... this turns to a feature fan...
I've opened feature request #9213 to cover the "buddying by group selection" functionality that has been discussed here.
I've been thinking a lot lately about some of the finer points of selecting and controlling multi-part fixtures like these LED strips. It would probably have to involve some concept of fixture vs. sub-fixture, but I haven't arrived at anything conclusive yet. I'd be very interested in hearing everyone's experiences working with fixtures like the Pixelines and thoughts about how we could make the process easier.
is it what i was asking in, the possibility of using at the same time repeat and buddying? something like
This is a slightly different issue. This discussion wouldn't significantly affect how grouping and buddying operate, it would just make things more convenient by allowing you to use the groups you've created for grouping. This improvement would also mean that your groups wouldn't have to be the same size.
I've been thinking a lot lately about some of the finer points of selecting and controlling multi-part fixtures like these LED strips. It would probably have to involve some concept of fixture vs. sub-fixture, but I haven't arrived at anything conclusive yet. I'd be very interested in hearing everyone's experiences working with fixtures like the Pixelines and thoughts about how we could make the process easier.
Thanks. This feature would help a lot of controlling matrixes could make any kind of groups of your matrix and fan them... But this group fan also raises a question...what if groups overlap?
Currently when fixtures are selected, if you select fixtures that are already in the current selection they will use the most recent time they were selected to determine their order.
For example:
Group 1 contains fixtures 1>6. Group 2 contains fixtures 4>9.
If I select Group 2 + Group 1 Enter, my selection order is: 7,8,9,1,2,3,4,5,6
I would think we could handle fanning by group the same way. A fixture is a member of the fanning group that it was most recently selected with.
Using the groups and selection above, the fanning groups would be: part 1 - 7,8,9 part 2 - 1,2,3,4,5,6