Road Hog questions

Does the Road Hog support additional monitors and if so, touchscreen capable?
Why does it not support DMX widgets? If it's windows XP embedded and is using the normal Hog III software, it should support any USB expansion that any IPC, PC, or other Hog III compatible console will.
  • The Roadhog does NOT support additional monitors. I originally thought this was a hinderance, but once you use the console, it's really not needed. Just setup your views appropriately (additive or no) and use the keyboard shortcuts (Open 1 [View1], Open 2 [View2]) and it's really quick and easy to use. I now find myself using the key shortcuts on the III also...quicker than reaching up for the buttons sometimes.

    As far as widgets, I can't answer was primarily designated as a Hog 1000 type replacement and those were only 2 universes. I feel that if you were going to go more than 4 universes, you would jump to either a III or iPC anyway, but that's just my two cents.

  • my understanding is that the roadhog wont support any additional dmx widgets is becasue they have made it as a budget console and they had to limit some of the fetures. ie not network point, no additional dmx and no additional screens. After playing with it i dont find this an issue as 4 universes is enough for me right now. ps jon cool photo (image)
  • You are all correct here. The Road Hog was designed to fill the market gap where the Hog 500/1000 consoles used to fit. As stated the Hog 500/100 had only 2 universes, one small non-touch screen, no support for wings, and the older Wholehog 2 OS.

    While the Road Hog is not expandable, it does have many exciting features and is alot of console for the price.
  • [quote=bradpepe]You are all correct here. The Road Hog was designed to fill the market gap where the Hog 500/1000 consoles used to fit. As stated the Hog 500/100 had only 2 universes, one small non-touch screen, no support for wings, and the older Wholehog 2 OS.

    While the Road Hog is not expandable, it does have many exciting features and is alot of console for the price.

    I do not agree with the idea that the Road Hog is a lot of console for the money.
    Let's look at Hog PC 2 or 3. I have just over $10k in my system and can expand it to 8 universes and can run up to 8 monitors (XP) if I so desired too. I have 20 faders (2 wings) and 1 program wing. I can network my system and expand it even further.
    Now lets look at the Hog 3 software. designed to run at least 2 DP2000 or super widgets and expands with additional wings. can network.
    Road Hog runs Hog 3 software. Why would you restrict the access to these expansions and networking when the software already has the capability? That means someone had to spend time to reinvent the wheel to limit the sofware from working to it's full and designed potential.
    As far as monitor expansion, that is not a big addition since the console is Windows embedded anyway. It's not like you can expand to more DMX outputs, monitors, and networking without the purchase of the hardware.
    I used to have a Hog 1000 and sold it to buy the PC system when is became first available and I got stuck with 2 single widgets that say Hog 3 right on them and yet they don't work with Hog 3 without an upgrade.
    Can you say bend over? I now have in addition a super widget.
    Everyone who waited to buy the PC system until the newer widgets came out didn't have to pay for any upgrades while us early birds do.
    So tell me again how the Road Hog at $12,000 ish is a lot of board for the money? I have a Hog 3 PC system that can do anything a Hog 3 console can do for less than half the money for one and have 3 touch screen monitors; all larger than the ones on any console.
  • [quote=JeffM]I do not agree with the idea that the Road Hog is a lot of console for the money.

    Then you really need to do some research as to what other manufacturers are charging for a desk with "similar" capabilities. (I say similar b/c no other desk has the same capability)

    [quote=JeffM]Let's look at Hog PC 2 or 3. I have just over $10k in my system and can expand it to 8 universes and can run up to 8 monitors (XP) if I so desired too. I have 20 faders (2 wings) and 1 program wing. I can network my system and expand it even further.
    Now lets look at the Hog 3 software. designed to run at least 2 DP2000 or super widgets and expands with additional wings. can network.

    OK...well let's get the facts straight first. H3PC software is capable of expanding to far more than 8 universes when DP-2000s are added to a system. The only limit to universes is how much data can you cram down a single Cat5 cable from the console to the network. You are limited to 8 universes ONLY WHEN using widgets. I for one would not recommmed the setup you describe to anyone over a Roadhog. Why would anyone want to hookup over 7 different USB devices most with their own power supplies as well? Roadhog has everything intergrated into one control surface, and it will support additional mini-playback wings as well as the full X-wing if you feel you need extra Masters.

    [quote=JeffM]Everyone who waited to buy the PC system until the newer widgets came out didn't have to pay for any upgrades while us early birds do.

    Again, you have your facts wrong. The price point for the new H3 capable widgets went up considerably from where the previous H2-only widgets were. So it's not the same at all. If you were unaware that you would be later charged a relatively small fee to upgrade your widget, you either didn't do your homework, or someone lied to you. I knew full well that this was the case when I bought my widget when they first came out, and it didn't bother me a bit. How many free software upgrades, fixture profiles, etc. have you downloaded from HES/FPS since you bought your widgets? Think about it.

    [quote=JeffM]So tell me again how the Road Hog at $12,000 ish is a lot of board for the money? I have a Hog 3 PC system that can do anything a Hog 3 console can do for less than half the money for one and have 3 touch screen monitors; all larger than the ones on any console.

    Well for starters you can take a Roadhog out of the case, plug in power and DMX in a very short amount of time. Whereas hooking up al manner of external devices to a PC takes a lot longer, creates more clutter, and creates a troubleshooting nightmare as you have just created a whole bunch of uneccessary potential failure points. I call such systems "Franken-Consoles"....a whole bunch of gak thrown together never works as elegantly as an integrated system. Just because something can be done, does not mean it is necessarily a good idea.

    Feel free to debate me on this if you think I am wrong.
  • Also marty you forgot to state that the console is more stable due to it not running unnessory software. I to looked at the pc option and as soon as i heardc of the up comming release of the roadhog that went out the window. I bought my roadhog with out having a chance of demoing the unit as I am in Australia and I am lead to beleive that we bought the first. No I have the unit out all the time where as our hog 1ks are slowing down when customers see the newwer unit. I have no issue with buying a few more in the comming months.
  • Hmm...will we be able to use these?
  • Sami,

    That looks pretty cool! I dont think they would work on Road Hog however because a) you would need the drivers on the XPe image b) you would need the ability to add additional "monitors" on the Road Hog.

    But we can explore this and consider it for the future.

    thanks for the information!