Are you using a 2.0.0.XXX IP address with a subnet for the DP8K artnet source address? Arkaos vj dmx requires an artnet source in that range. I have the vj dmx demo running here in our test lab with a DP8K so I am happy to help you.
all is connect on a switch akaos vj dmx on a computer ip net mask univers artnet 01 on another pc hog3 pc ip net mask after in hog3 set up /network/dmx processor/ setting/artnetoutput after i try use a custom ip setting net mask universe 1 broadcast tag, unicast ip universe 0.1 change only tag i patch a arkaos ,it doesn't work , i try with dimmer the same i look for dmx workshop ,is ee nothing
The HogNet and Art-Net networks on the DP8000 need to be on different address ranges. You have both of them setup to be 2.x.x.x./ This is not a valid network setup.
Configure the HogNet to be in a different subnet, say 192.168.1.x/
Also, for simple configurations like this, use broadcast rather than unicast.
computer 2 hog 3pc ip in DMX PROCESSOR SETTING artnet outputs use custom ip setting universe1 broadcast on unicast univer artnet 01 it doesn't work with magicQ there is no problem ,all is ok please help
So you are trying to use Hog3PC to send artnet to Arkaos? I guess I misunderstood your original post and assume you were using a Wholehog 3 with a real DMX Processor 8000.
Unfortunately Hog3PC does not ouput artnet directly. Only the physical DMX Processor 8000 and the Road Hog Full Boar have this capability.
We still included the artnet interface in Hog3PC to help facilitate offline editing and artnet settings preparation for show files, but Hog3PC standalone itself does not output artnet.
Hi, I haven't done it myself sorry, but a few people in the ArKaos forum are doing it.
What I understand from the ArKaos forums is with the SandNet program installed and running on same PC as Hog3PC, it can read the HogNet or Hog DMX output and convert it to ArtNet and output via the PC Lan connector. If the 2 PC's are connected via a switch or a crossover Lan cable then you can control the ArKaos.
I am unable to get to the website to download the software. If anyone has another link to where it can be downloaded from it would be appreciated!
jut a little clarification.. Sandnet works with Hog2pc, not Hog3pc! ..-and you still need the dmx widget to "unlock" the feature.. but yes, Sandnet works perfect for that purpose.. you can actually convert from/to a whole bunch of protocols..