Hog III control via Iphone

I have been trying to get the iphone to work as a remote for hog III.
I saw a thread that said there was a podcast to show how it is done but I can't find it.
Anybody know how to do this.
I tried to download vnc for iphone and get it talking to the mac but to no avail.
If somebody has step by step instruction on how to accomplish this I would be greatly a in HOG HEAVEN.

Remote focus of movers via iphone wow.
  • Joe,

    Are you using Parallels or VMWare?

    In Parallels, under Virtual Machine, you can send keys that don't exist on a Mac Keyboard (Ctrl/Alt/Delete, Pause/Break, etc). Not sure if it's the same on VMWare. This does not work in Bootcamp.
  • Jon,

    Excellent! Oh man, how did I miss that. I am using Parallels and I thought I had looked there.

    Thanks so much!

  • I cant seem to get to his site with the link provided? Anyone else try his Iphone app?
    Dustin Adams
  • What you need to do is:
    1) Download the "VNC Lite" App to the Iphone

    2) Download the "VNC Server" to your PC
    ...now make the same IP for the Iphone VNC as it apper in the PC VNC
    and now you can see the desktop of your PC on your Iphone...

    3)connect the Wholehog to your PC and run Hog3pc, now connect as a client to a Wholehog show.

    so right now you can see the Hog3pc on your Iphone and control it. and because the Hog3pc conect to the wholehog you can controle the stage...from your Iphone.

    Hope this help

  • Hey everyone in this thread....

    I wanted to give you an update on what I've been working on. I have been using Snatch as was suggested above and have come up with a set of screens that works fairly well.

    Still...without encoder keys, it's difficult for that, but to be able to trigger cues, choose masters, etc., it works pretty well.

    I've attached screenshots of the 4 screens. This layout seems to work best. I can slide back and forth between "play fader controls" and "choose master controls" fairly quickly. The second 2 allow be to jump back and forth between the number pads and "live, cue, etc." As I add more functions, I'll keep posting new images. But this is working for now.

    Special thanks to Scott Barnes keyboard shortcut graphics!!!!


  • Jon,[INDENT]Not only are the graphics are really cool, they look very functional as well.

    Excellent job!

    I'm curious would it be possible to use 2 iPhones at the same time so you could have multiple screens?


  • In theory, I don't see why not. It's just running Snatch. You can connect multiples to the same server on the computer. The only thing you'd have to watch for would be sending two commands at once.

    FYI: If anyone cares, Snatch is $3.99 in the App Store. So, for $3.99, you can build it however you want. The Server side on the computer will run on Mac, XP or Vista so it doesn't matter what flavor computer you're using. If you use Snatch, they allow you to upload screens so if you want them, just let me know and I can email them off.

    Also, there are some really cool remotes for Adobe CS4, Final Cut Pro, etc. that you can load for other apps.

    Thanks for the kind comments Joe. I worked hard on the layout to see what worked and what didn't. The one thing I found that made it easier is to make a "background plate" in Photoshop to layout how I wanted it. Then, in Snatch, I setup "clear" buttons that overlay the actual buttons. That way, if I need to change something, I update the plate in Photoshop and keep going.

    The latest version of Snatch has upgraded from 4 screens to 8. I'm going to play around and see what I can come up with for the other screens. Some other new features that I haven't played around with yet is shortcut keys can now be programmed to perform any sequence of remote control actions, not just keystrokes. You can record mouse gestures and clicks, application-launching and quitting commands, and you can add short pauses in the recording. This makes it possible to use the app as a productivity-enhancing and work-saving automation tool. It could get more interesting to come up with some ways to use the mouse gestures and clicks if I can get it implemented.

  • Hey Jon,
    If you want, I can give you those graphics without the Letter on top, and the number keys to match. I can get rid of the white corners too. Let me know.
  • HAHA...Absolutely. Let's make this look solid.

    I appreciate it Scott.

    Send it to jon at housetohalf dot net and I'll rework the plate.
  • Just discovered one flaw in Snatch. It does not allow "multi" key combos...such as CTRL-ALT-DEL (each being held). It would send the string as "CTRL" (release) "ALT" (release) and then "DEL" so you don't get the proper response.

    This becomes a problem for issues such as Choosing Faders, etc. I have downloaded and installed AutoHotKey on the PC and am remapping single keys to trigger the "multi-key" functions and everything is working fine now.

    Just thought you'd want to know if you try it out.

  • After some comments from people, I have added screens 5 and 6.

    The order now:
    Play screen
    Choose Master screen
    10-Key Pad
    Blind/Highlight etc. screen (shown above)
    Another 10-key Pad
    New screen with Int Pos Col Beam, Fixture/Group, Goto, Clear and Setup Control and Open.

    This layout ensures that no matter what screen you're on with buttons, you're only 1 swipe away from the 10-key pad.

    I've attached a shot of screen 6.

    Scott has offered to rework the buttons without the keystrokes and do numbers that match and I'll adjust the backplates accordingly. If anyone wants to try them, feel free to PM me. There's a couple of items you need, but it seems pretty straightforward.

    Please...any comments are greatly appreciated! I look forward to people trying it out. It's already out on a couple of phones of people I work with and they seem to like it so far. If you have Snatch, let me know and I'll send you instructions.

  • I know I'm beating this to death....but here goes anyway.

    The new plates are ready and I'd like some feedback.

    Here are the changes:

    New graphics courtesy of Scott Barnes
    New background plates completed
    Reworked Remote6 to include Effect and Time

    With Snatch you have 8 screens. I have currently left screens 7 and 8 open for suggestions. I have thought about a few options, but I'm leaving those out there. One idea is to use page 7 and 8 for special "group" buttons for the most used groups to utilize the next/back/highlight buttons. Not sure yet, so I'm open to suggestions.

    There are a few keys not included and I'm listing the reasons why for now. If I find a solution, I'd be happy to include them in the future.

    Pig - Pig requires a 2-key hold (Pig + something). Currently, Snatch is not able to do this. It would send it as "Ctrl, (release control) and then something else). The way I got around this for the Choose Masters is done with the AutoHelpKey remapping. I remapped unused keys from Hog3PC and setup strings.
    Next Page - didn't include it because of already having Page. Would you find it useful? Or is using Page and a number ok?
    Fan - Same as Pig
    Time - now included on Remote6 (I had forgotten it)
    Effect - now included on Remote6 (forgotten again)
    Macro - was already on Page 4
    Set - without a keyboard popup easily, I didn't include it. If I can find a way to trigger the internal keyboard, it could be useful. I'll look into it
    GM - Can't fade it down, so I left it out for now

    That's it for this update....please let me have your feedback. A few people have already requested the pages. Once I get these loaded into Snatch and confirmed working, I will zip them up with the AutoHelpKey file and send it off, but please be patient.

    Jon (only 5 screens are uploaded because Screen5 is a copy of Screen 3 (10-key pad)


  • leave a page with buttons to program your favorites groups/colors or i don't know, but with buttons that can have a keystroke.
    it looks really great, with those bigger hog3is buttons!! wauw.
    for the choose buttons i used 'alt-#' to make that chooser active, but probably you was aware of that.
    i'm looking forward that this is implemented like a standard in the hog family.

    with regards
  • [QUOTE=sander;41944]for the choose buttons i used 'alt-#' to make that chooser active, but probably you was aware of that.

    Sander, I'm curious about this. I was never able to make the "alt-#" work. It always took it as 2 keystrokes as opposed to holding ALT and hitting a number. Did I miss something? If this does indeed work, then I can do away with the key remapper. I tried everything I could think of.

    Let me know! I'm really interested.
