Hog and Strand lighting node - HELP

Hey guys,
I am doing a show at a university in town for a local dance recital. I am using a Road Hog and I am wanting to tie into the existing conventional lighting that is currently installed in the university auditorium. The entire lighting system is Ethernet and there are Ethernet to dmx nodes placed on stage to hook up another lighting console. It is a Strand system and the Strand node is a SN110. There is a digital read out on the note that has "dmx in" written on it with a solid line through it. When I hook up my dmx cable running from the Hog to the node the line goes away, meaning there it is recognizing dmx from the Hog board. However, I have no control. So I called Strand and talked with a support guy and says that because the SN110 node is a little old, the hog refresh rate might be to high. Is there a way to fix this or is there another solution i might not know about? Thank. And the show is friday.

  • Kyle,

    You can adjust the DMX refresh rate in the DP8000 network setup window. Are you sending it Art-Net from the Road Hog? DMX is not transmitted directly on the fixture or Hog-Net output of the Road Hog Full Boar.

    I suspect that the Strand LED is going out when it sees network activity, but I doubt that you are inputting the DMX it is looking for.
  • It's unlikely that the Hog's DMX signal is causing the problem. The Road Hog's DMX timing is extremely forgiving. Even a badly designed DMX receiver should be able to receive it.

    The problem is most likely in the Show-Net network's configuration. Show-Net can carry hundreds of universes. You need to make sure that the input node you are using is configured to send on the same slots and universes as the dimmers, and that a higher priority device on the network isn't over-riding you.

    With network-based DMX distribution (Art-Net, Show-Net, Pathport, etc.), the network effectively has its own patch. You can't just plug in and expect it to work; You have to configure the network.

    How is the university's console connected? Does it also use a DMX input node or does it speak Show-Net directly? If it's also using an input node, your fastest solution may be to simply clone the patch from that console.

    Footnote: Don't believe the BS about the node being old, DMX timing has been standardized since 1986, which far-predates the SN110.
  • The university's board is a straight Ethernet board, so it speaks to Show-Net directly. An Ethernet cable goes from the board straight to a panel with an Ethernet hook up. I will check what universe the node is sending to. I am assuming its universe 1. One last question: if my desk channels are patched to universe 4 on the hog, do they need to be patched to universe 1 on the HOG to coincide with universe 1 on the node. I would assume that it wouldn't, however, i just want to make sure

  • The network doesn't care what universe you have the rig patched to on the hog. What matters is the configuration of the DMX port you've plugged into on the Show-Net node.

    Network DMX distribution is extremely flexible and configurable. You can do practically anything with it. But that also means there's no hard rules about how it works. It all depends on the configuration of the specific system you're working with. The venue's TD should be able to tell you how their system works.

    If they don't have a knowledgeable TD, then you'll need to seek out the install documentation. The installer for most large systems will leave behind a binder with all the documentation on the system, including the configuration, riser diagrams, etc. If you can find that (it frequently gets lost) and no one's messed with the setup in the ensuing years, it should tell you what you need to know. Alternately, seek out the dealer that installed the system.

    As a last resort you can plug in a laptop and start looking at the network's configuration. I strongly advise against doing this unless you know exactly what you're doing and have experience with the Show-Net configuration tools. Network configuration is notoriously tricky; One wrong setting and you can disable the entire system. You many need to find a dealer or technician who's knowledgeable in this sort of system and pay them for a few hours of their time.

    Also, make sure you get the approval from the venue manager before you play with their network setup. It's generally considered rude to touch the network configuration without permission (akin to opening up electrical panels and re-connecting wires).
  • Kyle,
    Do they plug in Desks there a lot?
    Find the person that tried/did it last, if they're still around, they might still know how.
    Try setting all YOUR patch to Universe 2, see if that works, most of the Strand systems I know of have the House System all on 1, and the Road Gear set up from 2 on. If it's marked as a console IN it MIGHT be talking to all 4, but you wouldn't know that unless you looked at it's settings in IE.
    You might also want to turn off, or disconnect the House Desk as some Systems use DMX MERGE devices and might step on some things, or they don't, and the network won't recognize the 2 seperate sources and you'll get other conflicts.
    Eric is right, you shouldn't mess with SHOW NET unless you have knowledge, permision alone can still cause accidents. And if it's a school, someone else may have already done it and not told anyone.
    Try this guy
    www.bobbyharrelllighting.com Guru of all things Strand.
    I myself ran a Strand Networked House for 3 years with 2 Networked Controlers, and plugged in a few Road Desks. I dont type so well, but you're welcome to call if you think it'll help.

    good luck
  • Thanks for the replies guys. After being on the phone with tech support for a few hours we finally traced the problem to a network configuration. All is working now. Thanks again...

  • Be polite and document everything you learned for the next person. Type everything up and clearly as you can, print out several copies, and leave them in strategic places around the venue.

    The next person will thank you.
  • Eric, bow and hail for that remark! It is too often that the same problem gets solved over and over again :)