I have 10 mac 250 entour's and am trying to do an intensity effect where they do a smooth fade from 20 percent to 100 percent and back. I want to do this in the fx engine and not cues. Ive tried everything i can think of and i cant seem to make it work. Any ideas? I am using hog 3pc
To accomplish this effect you will need to first set the intensity of your Macs to 60%. The open the effect editor (double tap the effect button) and set a sine wave on the intensity. Set the size to 80% and viola you should have your fading effect on your Macs. I'll be at my console later this afternoon and check to make sure all this info is correct, but this should get you started.
One more question. How do I make an effect off palette? Every time I have tried it leaves one mover still doing an effect. I have never been able to make it work.
When you create an effect palette you want to make sure your recording as a "global" palette (applies to every fixture type with that parameter) or a "per type" palette (applies to every fixture of that type ie all your Mac 250s). To do this you make your effect like you want, hit the record button, and look at the bottom of the right hand screen. There is a bar with a bunch of options. Hit the "more" button and you will see the modifiers that i described at the beginning. After selecting the modifier you want then hit enter or select the palette button you want to record to. If you need more information on this look at section 17.6 in the hog manual (Page 192 here)
I think what he is trying to ask is if there is a way to create a palette that will stop any effects that are running or freeze them so that the effect can be resumed at a later point. Is this possible?
[QUOTE=kevinj.lawson;58157]Set the size to 80% and viola you should have your fading effect on your Macs.
no, not really - size should be 40%. btw. "center value - size" effect programming, while fine for position effects, does not work so well with other attributes. just try to build a cmy fade from salmon pink to deep lavender. we should definitely have a possibility to use top and bottom values; and to use pallettes as such..
[QUOTE=tymon;58218]no, not really - size should be 40%. Thanks for clarifying that. I couldn't remember if the size was adjusted around the center point or if it was the total amplitude. >.<
[QUOTE=tymon;58218]btw. "center value - size" effect programming, while fine for position effects, does not work so well with other attributes. just try to build a cmy fade from salmon pink to deep lavender. we should definitely have a possibility to use top and bottom values; and to use pallettes as such..
I completely agree with this. I would love to have the ability to create effects with start/stop points instead of midpoints/amplitudes for things like colors and gobos. I know HES has been saying there is an effect engine rework coming soon so I'm hoping this makes it into that.
[QUOTE=tymon;58218]no, not really - size should be 40%. btw. "center value - size" effect programming, while fine for position effects, does not work so well with other attributes. just try to build a cmy fade from salmon pink to deep lavender. we should definitely have a possibility to use top and bottom values; and to use pallettes as such..
You don't have to use always center and size method.
Worked great! Thanks so much. One more quick question. I have never been able to get the path section of the engine to work. I have a problem with a lot of effects where it cycles through but pauses for a second or two and then starts again. Is there anyway to eliminate this "gap"? I was thinking that path would fix this but it has never worked for me. I guess could someone explain what the path section of the engine is and how to use it.
[QUOTE=colesullivan32;59033] I have a problem with a lot of effects where it cycles through but pauses for a second or two and then starts again. Is there anyway to eliminate this "gap"?
there are 2 possiblities: either
1) the effect hits the extreme value for that attribute
2) the length parameter of the effect is set to less than 100%
[QUOTE=colesullivan32;59033]I was thinking that path would fix this but it has never worked for me. I guess could someone explain what the path section of the engine is and how to use it.
i think nick hunt did an excellent job explaining what path is.
heres a question thats been bugging me.. how would you do a 3 color fade that repeated.. for example: lets say i want to start at yellow then fade to white then red.. ive never really had to do this but wouldnt mind having more knowledge
If you have "specific" things you need it to do, it must be done in a cuelist and set to chase instead of an effect. Effects do not have specific end points to hit.
While I agree with Jon, that a chase is often faster and easier to program to get specifics.......in this particular case it is also very easy with the effects engine:
- Set your Yellow and Magenta parameters to 50% as a base - Apply a Sine table to both in the Effects Editor, and make size 50% - Make the rate of the Yellow double that of the Magenta
ive done it in a cuelist before, but it was always on my mind "i wonder if you can just put it as an effect" thanks for the response guys, you learn something everyday :)