Any Chance to get Hog III protocol Drivers ?

Hello do we have any Chance to get Hog III protocol Drivers for Mac Osx ?

It should be wonderful to control Catalyst V4 from Hog III with out using CIB or DP2000 .

HOG III PC it's now the best controller for catalyst , it's free but you my want us to pay the drivers to connect hogs III series ( PC iPC and Consol ) to Catalyst directly with ethernet cables .

Can I dream to this drivers for the future ?

  • I know this isn't exactly what you're looking for but try looking @ this thread:

    I too would love to see bi-directional communication from Catalyst & H3....:)

    Just think...if we ever can get graphic labels instead of text...when you update content on the server it might just be able to update the tumbnail graphic on the desk!:headbang: :Eyecrazy:
  • Hi Marty , yes Artnet DP it will be sulution but i asking for a little Driver for Mac OSX that read Ho3 III protocol not artnet . Same Driver that it's been write for Wysiwyg but for Mac .
  • Got you can work with Catalyst in the same manner as a!:)
  • Not exactly like that . As you know we need Dp 2000 because Whole Hog 3 does not directly manage the Value calculation of fixtures parameters . The Dp 2000 do that for the Hog III . Dp 2000 make all the calculation for Hog 3 . that's why we add more dp2000 if we need more Dmx out put .
    In the case of Dp artnet it will be the same , the dp artnet will make the calculation of every parameter for the Hog 3 and after the calculation will " translate " that into Art net .

    But as you know you can connect a Hog 3 to wysiwyg with out any external hardware. To be clear you can pul ethernet cable from the Hog 3 and plug it in the ethernet port of you Pc ( or Mac intel ) with out using the DP .
    So who make the calculation of the dmx value in wysiwyg if there is not any Dp2000/Dp Artnet connected to your Wysiwyg Pc ?

    The calculation it's make by an application that you install on your Pc that simulate a Dp 2000 . The application it's called Wholehog III Software - Visualizer Connectivity and it work only on Pc to control Wysiwyg or ESP .

    With out Wholehog III Software - Visualizer Connectivity in the older days there was any application to do that directly and the Console was connected to the Wysiwyg VIA DMX cable .
    So 4 output from the console to 4 input to a special BOX ( I think it was called Wyg-it ) If you need more lines of DMX you had to buy more wysiwyg box , just like right now with Catalyst . If you need to control more server you need to buy more Dp2000 .

    Now what I'm asking it's a " little " application just like Wholehog III Software - Visualizer Connectivity that once installed on a Apple Computer that running Catalyst make possible to plug an ethernet cable from a Hog 3 to many catalyst you want.

    writing this driver have multiply befit .

    The first one it's to control Catalyst with HOG 3 PC with out ant additional Hardware that process the Value . From the commercial point of view it make possible the customer invest the saved money on the dp 2000 to invest on Hog 3 wings Programmer and Playback .

    On the other way around there is a technically way to use the Dp 2000 to send DMX from the catalyst V4 to any LED device like G-lec using PixelMad .
    So from the commercial point of view this open the door to Catalyst customer to buy dp2000 instead of other Artnet to DMX boxes .


  • Correct...WYSIWYG and ESP are both visualisers!:)

    I agree that is would be very handy to be able to connect Catalyst in the same manner as a visualiser (directly via Ethernet)....provided that they make an application for the MAC that allows you to do so:headbang:

    Can we have it fellas...please?:notworthy:
  • [quote=emilianomorgia]On the other way around there is a technically way to use the Dp 2000 to send DMX from the catalyst V4 to any LED device like G-lec using PixelMad .
    So from the commercial point of view this open the door to Catalyst customer to buy dp2000 instead of other Artnet to DMX boxes .



    I can see this could work if you have a bunch of dp's already, but who would buy a dp2000 for 4 universes of "artnet to dmx" when you can get 8?(guessing on price here) 4 universe boxes of brand x for the same price as one dp??

    an other question is, -Do you wan't your catalyst machine to have an extra software running which needs some of the resources you don't have enough of?
  • [QUOTE=ahelgor]I can see this could work if you have a bunch of dp's already, but who would buy a dp2000 for 4 universes of "artnet to dmx" when you can get 8?(guessing on price here) 4 universe boxes of brand x for the same price as one dp??

    say that you need to Run 8 DMX Univers of Pixel Lines , and you own a Hog 3 and a Catalyst , would you prefer to run them from Hog 3 or via Pixel Mad ?

    Or Let's say that you want to buy some more Dp for Hog 3 ... While you buy them you buy hardware for Hog and for Catalyst as well .

    [QUOTE=ahelgor]an other question is, -Do you wan't your catalyst machine to have an extra software running which needs some of the resources you don't have enough of?

    What do you mean ? Do you mean that there are no avalaible resources in a G5 ?
    Did you ever run while Catalyst it's running ?
  • [quote=emilianomorgia]What do you mean ? Do you mean that there are no avalaible resources in a G5 ?
    Did you ever run while Catalyst it's running ?

    At idle it's next to nothing agreed, but try running 4 full on video layers + a few sill layers superimposed with visual and color FX running on two outputs, plus masking, etc. ....then have another peek at your;)
  • [QUOTE=Marty Postma]At idle it's next to nothing agreed, but try running 4 full on video layers + a few sill layers superimposed with visual and color FX running on two outputs, plus masking, etc. ....then have another peek at your;)

    Right , consider also Quartz Composition , those file can be very very heavy CPU usage it depends on what you need to do so it's up to you how many resources you want to use .

    Any Way every few mounth apple release new CPU and Catalyst will move to Intel very soon . They have to do it . G5 will not be any more avaible at the end of the year 2006 , may be b4 the end of the year .
    Every new CPU that mount intel processors it's getting faster and faster .
    If you consider that high end or Richard will take time to make this drivers they will be ready for new CPU .

    It's up to you how many reasources you want to use . I kee thinking that there is free resourcers for this driver on G5 , and if there is not in g5 there will be in Intel Power intel Mac ( what ever they gonna call the new desktop )
  • [QUOTE=Marty Postma]At idle it's next to nothing agreed, but try running 4 full on video layers + a few sill layers superimposed with visual and color FX running on two outputs, plus masking, etc. ....then have another peek at your;)

    most of the performance limit is in the disc drives - not the application. isnt a good indicator of performance.
    performance montoring is built into the application with the 'statistics' HUD.

    recent tests on a quad g5 and a Fujitsu MAU3147 ( 15000rpm 150GB ) drive has given up to 8 layers of DV pal or DV ntsc.

    I also just did a show with 48 universes of dmx - without any problems at all.
    In fact outputting 48 universes of dmx takes almost no cpu at all.