3d position and orientation of a fixture relative to bandoor visualisation

hi folks. we ve been experimenting with fpe calculation and positioning fuxtures in our 3d model. not considering our different approaches at some point we did set the position of a fixture manually and the orientation was clear (hanging down, and base orientation in correct direction relative to 0,0,0 point). the fixture did everything correct in visualisation relative to the real behavoir, but - the visualisation of the bandoors is flipped :-( my only guess at the moment is that the argument3d fixture bandors are flipped and it is not the orientation mistake. any advice? thanks in advance!

Parents Reply
  • Thank you for the video.

    I think part of the issue that you are running into is also described here: Full curtain shutters in A3D on a Custom Fixture Profile

    The fixtures' thrust in Augment3d doesn't account for the full coverage of the beam (or near full coverage).

    For sharpness/zoom, it is possible the ranges do not match the fixture in reality. Would you be able to share the differences/corrections that you make to have them correspond?

    As for the pan inversion, it's possible that there is an issue there. The fixtures seem to be moving the correct direction, but I can see what you mean about the shutter ordering.

    Would you be willing to either post or PM me the show file from the video?
