Reversing Pan in Aug3D

I know we've talked about this endlessly before, inevitably when I need to do it I can't remember the answer...

Is there a way of reversing pan in Aug3D to match reality, without changing any of the real world output on stage?

(This is for a show we've moved onto a Gio from another console; the MacIIIs are doing the right thing in real life, but their pan is backwards in Aug3D; it'd be useful to get them to match.)



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  • Hi! Because of how Augment3d is tied to Eos, we do not have a way to change Augment3d in the fashion you desire without correcting the profile, which can change your recorded data.

  • But you can you not change the fixture profile leaving all of the fixture data as it is but just reversing the Augment pan.

    I'm fine changing the fixture as long as we know where the real lights on stage are pointing won't change, since getting time to check that is difficult and expensive (since it involves running generators). That's also the reason why having the Augment3D model behave correctly would be particularly useful here...


  • Rob, I ran into the same problem.  What I thought might work is to look at the sACN data and change the input such that the sACN data remained the same.  If it's only a few places, it might be doable, but with many cues changing, the amount of work would be prohibitive.  That makes me wonder if it would be possible to extract the data from the file programmatically and restore it to the new file so the output doesn't change, but I have not idea how.. 

    In the end, it was easier for me to review all cues in the theater and fix them rather than figure out how to make this work. I parked everything at zero except the MLs I wanted to change, making it much quicker to run through the show and fix the changed ones. Recall-From helped too.

    Good luck

  • Hey...

    Yes, all good ideas. The particular challenges on this show are (a) that while in performance mode (ie. with any show gear on), we run on generator power because the local grid power isn't particularly trustworthy, so there's a direct cost (fuel!) involved in having the rig on, and (b) this was switching the show from MA to Eos, but at the point we did the switch some of the lights weren't working waiting for now hard-to-get parts, so I'd been hoping to use Augment3d to help check they were doing the right thing even when the real lights weren't there! I was already doing one level of 'raw DMX' data comparison to make sure the import from MA had come in properly, which it generally - but not quite always - had. 

    Having the Aug3d model match reality in this set-up is also useful for crew training, since they can play with the virtual rig rather than having to have the real rig on.


  • Just found a patch option "Preserve Native" that looks like it does what we want.  3.2.1 manual p.182:

    {Preserve Native} - When Preserve Native is enabled, and you make changes to patch,
    your cues' real world levels (like pan degrees) will be converted so that the DMX output
    is preserved instead of the degrees. This is primarily useful for fixture substitutions.

    It looks like you can set this option and make the changes necessary to the show file without affecting the stage output.

    As best I can determine, Preserve Native is a switch that determines whether changes made in patch affect stage (disabled) or A3D (enabled).  Since you want the latter, enable it.  The default is disabled and makes what you normally expect to happen, so disable it when you're done or unexpected things may happen.
