Reversing Pan in Aug3D

I know we've talked about this endlessly before, inevitably when I need to do it I can't remember the answer...

Is there a way of reversing pan in Aug3D to match reality, without changing any of the real world output on stage?

(This is for a show we've moved onto a Gio from another console; the MacIIIs are doing the right thing in real life, but their pan is backwards in Aug3D; it'd be useful to get them to match.)



Parents Reply
  • But you can you not change the fixture profile leaving all of the fixture data as it is but just reversing the Augment pan.

    I'm fine changing the fixture as long as we know where the real lights on stage are pointing won't change, since getting time to check that is difficult and expensive (since it involves running generators). That's also the reason why having the Augment3D model behave correctly would be particularly useful here...


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