Nomad EOS Network settings

Running EOS Nomad on Dell laptop Windows 7 using a DMX King eDMX 4 RDM converter. I could use some help on the Nomad EOS Network settings please.

Status shows green "online" now. Obtain ip auto is not checked however the address and subnet with no gateway I believe are correct and grayed out. (inaccessible or changeable.)

Know not what to set for Remote startup and shutdown, if anything nor know not what to set for Output Protocols and all below.

At this point I get no response on any lighting.

  • Nomad IP settings are managed by your operating system and are displayed for information only.
    Use Control Panel to configure these.

    You will need to read the manual for the Ethernet to DMX converter you have purchased in order to determine the appropriate protocol.
    - In fact, you absolutely must read the manual for any proposed Ethernet to DMX device before purchase to determine which protocol(s) it supports.

    It seems that you've got lucky as according to this manual, it supports sACN (E1.31) so turn that on and tick it as Default, and turn all other protocols off.

    Leave everything else set at the default values. The factory defaults are correct for the vast majority of installations.

    Finally, if you do not know what a setting does, just leave it at the default value. (This is a good trick for life in general!)

  • Wouldn't call it lucky. I researched both on line and forums to see if this particular device would support it before I spent money on it and I was told over and over it would. It also advertises it supports ArtNet/sACN and shows it on Page 1 of the manual. I ask for assistance in setting up Nomad, they have been over the top assisting me with getting their device up and running, but there are still some things I don't know how to set, such as speed. The consoles show Maximum, Fast, Medium, Slow but the device has an actual speed. So I don't know what the DMX speeds are equal to those words. I have found it can definitely make a difference in a fixture working or not. And I'm almost out of cake but have plenty of frosting left.
  • On Nomad, the DMX Speed setting only applies to the ETC Gadget.

    If you are using an Ethernet to DMX converter, you must set that in the Ethernet to DMX convertor itself.
    - For example, you could use Gateway Configuration Editor to configure ETC Net3/ACN DMX Gateways.

  • Perhaps this article will help you choose settings for the device. It talks about how ETC DMX Speeds are set up.
  • Article is good, thanks. So what I am seeing is it doesn't matter on Nomad what the settings are for speed unless a Gadget is used. Humm. I absolutely had to change the factory setting on my ION to get my LED drapes to work properly.
  • The DMX speed setting applies to the local DMX I/O ports on those devices that have them. Since Nomad does not come with local ports (except in the case of Gadget), they don't apply. In your case, Nomad is sending sACN over ethernet to a gateway device. It's up to the gateway device to set the DMX speed. Nomad doesn't know how to tell the gateway device what to do.
  • Ok thanks bunches. I will work with the DMX King tech to get their device set properly. BTW I don't think I have ever had a solid yes or no on this. Does Nomad require a switch or router in the line to make the DMX work? Should it work fine with only the License and converter?
  • That depends on the DMX King wiring... MOST Ethernet devices need a switch between them and the computer.
  • Ok Andrew. Purrfect. Thanks. I'll ask them. Finally got that answered. :-)
  • Best practice is to always use a switch between computer and devices. It is an additional expense but not much of one these days.
  • I just set up my eDMX4 and tried it with the Nomad system and can report that it works! There are several things to watch out for when doing the initial setup, though. First of all, the screenshot in the DMX King manual DOES NOT show the default IP address that is on the eDMX4. The chart at the very start of section 3 of the manual does show that address ( Use the address in the chart, not the screenshot, for your initial setup. Put a (manual) static IP in your ethernet (wired) connection settings on your computer on the same subnet (I used for my computer). You should be able to ping the eDMX4 from your computer. (Start button or search, CMD, ping in the command line black box that comes up). Note- do not attempt to use an existing building data network for this. Lighting networks should always be separate. You will need a small POE switch and these are only about $50 these days. On my computer, I can still access the building network with the wireless connection, and use the wired port for eDMX4 use only. 

    One other thing to consider is that the four DMX ports are set up for 4 DMX universes. If you only need one universe and one port, just connect to the leftmost DMX port #1. You can also configure the remaining ports to mirror port 1 in the configuration utility. 
