Fader page up and down macro

Hi Guy's!

Any idea how to make a Macro to change no specific fader page but to go 1 page down? There is button on the desks witch changes the pages up,  I would also need to opposite one.

Parents Reply
  • Oh, too bad. TIL.

    Looking through the Eos manual, on page 567-568 it lists the OSC commands related to the faders. Fader_Page_Back makes an appearance, but not any kind of "Fader_Page_Next" or "Fader_Page_Forwards" or anything like that. You can definitely record macros that take you to specific pages by holding down the fader page button and a number, which shows up as

    FaderPagePress 3 FaderPageRelease,

    and I have some macros that I've built in the editor as Ueli describes, which show up in the editor as

    FaderWing_Page 1.

    There's also holding down the fader page button and using page up and page down, which I think I remember only affecting the display of the fader ribbon in the PSD, but I've never tried it on a desk with an internal or external fader wing. It shows up in the editor as

    FaderPagePress Page_Up FaderWing_Page 2 FaderPageRelease.

    I've tried deleting the commands that reference specific fader pages, which turn it into a macro that does nothing.

    Still no idea how to make a macro that changes the fader page in the virtual faders, unless you do it with a snapshot, which would have the same problem of referencing a specific page instead of something that can index next/last.

    That's everything that I've been able to learn in the last hour or so. Hope that something in there can inspire someone to come up with a real answer, but I'd probably just use the hard keys.

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