I wasn't able to make it to USITT for details, when can we expect to see the iRFR appear on the app store? I assume not until 1.5 is released? Will the wireless network be provided by WAPs, similar to the PDA remotes for Emphasis?

Can't wait till I can just walk into the space and do pre-show checks from my phone without leaving the stage...


  • Ah, but I have a Congo, so it would work now for me.  No one is talking about it over on the Congo forum, however, so I've been following this thread with anticipation.

  • Hi Anne,

    When soon & shortly happen, will it be in the utilities folder of the apps store?



    John P

  • Probably John... but we will post a link to the actual download location on the iRFR product page as soon as we have it.



  • Anne Valentino said:

    ETC is a big supporter of both Behind the Scenes and Light Relief.  We've done donations and challenge grants for both organizations, and most ETC staff attending USITT and/or LDI always donate on-site to Behind the Scenes.   Any problems with Apple are short term and can be over come.     We felt this was a good way, for a nominal charge, to bring these two charities - which are specific for people in our industry - to the front of people's thoughts.  Especially in these economic times.  And it doesn't seem as though it would be a financial hardship to anyone wanting the app.   So, we've kept at it, solved the Apple issues and are just about ready to go.



    Sounds good to me.  One more quick question.  Will the iRFR work in any capacity with the Offline Editor as well as the desks?

    I'll leave y'all alone now so soon becomes now sooner.


  • Hi Andrew-

    I can confirm that the iRFR will work with Windows Offline/Client as well!


  • What benefit could be gained having the iRFR work with an Offliine Editor?

  • Anne Valentino said:
    You will need a closed wireless network.  We will provide further instruction on this via a wiki shortly.

    I'm curious about setting up this closed wireless network.  I remember early on a lot of talk about not connecting the desk to anything with internet access (which is a good idea), but all the wireless routers that I have used require internet access to set up.  The iRFR wiki has had the same verbage for some time now without any updates but a couple of pictures.  I'd like to have this set up so when the iRFR is available I can use it right away.

  • Internet access is different than having access to the router or switch via TCP/IP.  Just because you have to use a browser to set settings on your router doesn't mean that it has to have internet access.


    You would set up a closed network for your space.  It could only consist of the console and the wireless access point or wireless router.  That is a closed network (meaning that there is not access to it from the outside internet)  You would just have to configure the IP addresses correctly and you would be all set.

  • Thanks for the post, Jeff.  The problem I was having was that the router wouldn't let me configure it to turn on the wireless until I had it connected to the internet.  The router is a Netgear brand, I didn't have this problem with a DLink that I used to hook up a wireless network to my sound board.   I had to take the router to a switch on my network, get it up from a computer there, turn on the wireless, and then take it off the network and set it up with the light desk.  I was then able to connect to the board with my client software, so I should be set to hook up once the iRFR is released.     Now, it's back to waiting patiently...ish.

  • Any more developments on when this will be available?  And do you know what the price will be?  I know as soon as it is released our Tech Director, Myself and one or 2 volunteers will be purchasing it.

    Thank you for your help!

  • The app is going to apple this week.  They have a verification process before they will post it.   This takes an undetermined amount of time (they don't test the functionality, just that the app doesn't adversely affect the phone).  Price is $49.

    More soon.



  • Excellent!  We are all really excited about this app!  Thank you Anne!  

  • $49! With respect I know the proceeds are going to a charity but I don't class $49 as a 'nominal charge' I was expecting $10 or $15 but never guessed you might be asking $49. Currently only 2% of apps are priced at $20 or more... do you not think you might raise more for charity with more downloads at a lower price point? I for one doubt I'll be able to afford it.

    Sorry for the rant guys ... just s little disappointed



  • OMG! Only $49 for a wireless remote for my lighting system, form my iPod/iPhone!! That is freaking amazing. I mean I remember what I payed for the wireless remote for the O2, that thing that I needed the Compaque pocket PC form.

    I am supre excited about this. Now I just cannot wait for client software on my Mac. Thanks for being up to speed on technology and giving us the tools to better do our jobs ETC.

  • With all due respect, if you can afford an iPhone/iPod Touch (I have the latter) and need a remote for your board that would normally cost a lot more than that, $50 to a charitable cause is not going to slow you down.  The only thing the price would hamper is everyone at your venue downloading and playing with it, and that may turn out to be a good thing! 
