Fixture profile not correct - Martin ERA 800 Performance

I'm working with some Martin ERA 800 Performance fixtures on an ION XE and have discovered that some of the attributes are not mapped properly in the fixture profile.  What I've found:

- On the color wheel, what is displayed on the console is opposite of what the fixture is outputting. 

Slot 1 - fixture outputs red, console shows deep blue

Slot 2 - fixture outputs med. blue, console shows deep orange

Slot 3 - fixture outputs deep green, console shows lavender

Slot 4 - fixture outputs lavender, console shows deep green

Slot 5 - fixture outputs deep orange, console shows med. blue 

Slot 6 - fixture outputs deep blue, console shows red. 

- Zoom min is actually max and vice versa 

- Strobe min is max and vice versa

Is this something that I should try to correct using the console fixture profile editor or does this warrant reaching out to have a new/updated profile to be created by ETC support?

Parents Reply
  • I apologize for neglecting to tell you the step of updating the profile in patch using the "Update Profile" button, after installing v3.1.5.9 Fixture Library.

    In future full releases of Eos, such as the upcoming 3.2.0 - the profile is fixed by default.  However, Eos software does not automatically update profiles of fixtures for you in case you rely on the older definition for some reason.  

    So, if you take a showfile that was made in v3.1.0 with the ERA 800, and run it on v3.2.0, it will still have the old definition (the colors will be swapped) until you Update Profile.

    The asterisk next to the fixture profile name is the hint that an update is available.

    You do not need to correct it manually yourself now that there is a fixture library update that has it corrected.

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