Tutorials on connecting with Nomad?

I cannot seem to find any resources on how to connect nomad. I am completely lost. I have a ETCnomad dongle, an Enttec Ode Mk3, a 2 universe Ion console, I have all the network requirements. The Ode Mk3 is working fine, but I cannot get the EOS software running on my computer (Mac or PC) because I cannot find a single tutorial on how to do this. 

  • did you download and in stall the software on your computer? is it PC or Mac? and what is the problem you run into, is there an error message?

  • Thanks for the reply. Everything is connected, to the point that I have been able to successfully run Augment3d tether from the computer. But I don't know how to get the software running in a "standard" way - that is, control the console from my computer.

    My goal/hope is to connect a laptop and use it as a big "remote". How do I get things working so that what is on my console is replicated in the EOS software on my computer?

    The thing is I don't even know if that is possible with Nomad - or what is possible with nomad??? There are no videos that fully explain from a beginner level precisely what it is and what it does, nor can I find any sufficient tutorials in any format on how to set up and connect for the first time :-( I would hugely appreciate your help or if you can point me in the direction of the right videos/documents

  • Thanks for the reply. Everything is connected, to the point that I have been able to successfully run Augment3d tether from the computer. But I don't know how to get the software running in a "standard" way - that is, control the console from my computer.

    My goal/hope is to connect a laptop and use it as a big "remote". How do I get things working so that what is on my console is replicated in the EOS software on my computer?

    The thing is I don't even know if that is possible with Nomad - or what is possible with nomad??? There are no videos that fully explain from a beginner level precisely what it is and what it does, nor can I find any sufficient tutorials in any format on how to set up and connect for the first time :-( I would hugely appreciate your help or if you can point me in the direction of the right videos/documents
