Tutorials on connecting with Nomad?

I cannot seem to find any resources on how to connect nomad. I am completely lost. I have a ETCnomad dongle, an Enttec Ode Mk3, a 2 universe Ion console, I have all the network requirements. The Ode Mk3 is working fine, but I cannot get the EOS software running on my computer (Mac or PC) because I cannot find a single tutorial on how to do this. 

  • did you download and in stall the software on your computer? is it PC or Mac? and what is the problem you run into, is there an error message?

  • Thanks for the reply. Everything is connected, to the point that I have been able to successfully run Augment3d tether from the computer. But I don't know how to get the software running in a "standard" way - that is, control the console from my computer.

    My goal/hope is to connect a laptop and use it as a big "remote". How do I get things working so that what is on my console is replicated in the EOS software on my computer?

    The thing is I don't even know if that is possible with Nomad - or what is possible with nomad??? There are no videos that fully explain from a beginner level precisely what it is and what it does, nor can I find any sufficient tutorials in any format on how to set up and connect for the first time :-( I would hugely appreciate your help or if you can point me in the direction of the right videos/documents

  • ah, i read "but I cannot get the EOS software running on my computer" and thought you can't get the software running on your computer...

    do you connect with network cable or through WiFi?

    is the Eos version on your computer and on the console exactly the same?

  • Sorry I wrote that rather quickly yesterday... everything on wired network, same subgroup, same 3.1.5 build 8. Again, they can all see each other (augment3d tether was working), but I'm unsure how primary/backup/client, what the differences are, and how to set them up. Are there no tutorials available? I appreciate your help 

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