Undo Latency

I'm having an issue with the undo button taking 2- 4 seconds to execute the command. It will freeze up the cmd line while executing. Even with simple undos such as changing the level on a single light. I've encountered this a couple times in larger multiconsole systems. Any help would be appreciated!

I'm running

EOS RPU as primary 

EOS Ti as backup

8 Nomad pucks in client

1 Nomad dongle in client


  • The console is definitely running slow on large multiconsole systems in the 3.2.x series, so it's not just you!   is on the case.

  • FWIW, I've had issues with undo lag for years, particularly when undoing 2 or more commands. (Eos Ti.)

  • In order to troubleshoot this down, we would need to see logs from at least the Primary, Backup, and the Client you were programming at the time.  It would be really important to tell us precise dates and times when you noticed the latency, not just "all day Thursday".  You can press [Displays+Record] to add a "pin" in the logs that we can easily find later.

    Ideally you would also make sure that all clocks on the consoles and clients are synchronized to the same Time Server.

    Please email logs to eos [at] etcconnect.com as described here :  Retrieving or Saving Log Files from Eos Family Consoles - Electronic Theatre Controls Inc  Please make sure to reference this forum post in your email.


    -Matt Pumplin | Technical Support Engineer | ETC

  • Matt, in the logs that I just emailed you, I did the most-recent displays+record right after a simple undo action.

    1 at full

    takes almost 4 seconds to get back to a usable command line.

  • For reference, Undo is essentially instant on my laptop in offline mode with the same show file.  And in my experience the time it takes to get back to a usable command line is proportional to the number of eos devices on the network.

    While we're on the subject,  if I'm in user 1 and you're in user 2, and I press undo and then arrow up to try to select multiple things to undo: My selection is reset to the bottom every time you do anything (like nexting/lasting through a list of channels in highlight or something).  I frequently have to ask other users to stop typing for a moment while I complete an undo operation.

  • Matt, I just sent in some logs. You should see a displays/ record marker at around 11:38a and 11:48a on 6/20. I'm seeing similar behavior as Paul where other users also can't do anything while I'm undoing.

  • Thank you all for your reports.

    This should be fixed starting in 3.2.3.
