Undo Latency

I'm having an issue with the undo button taking 2- 4 seconds to execute the command. It will freeze up the cmd line while executing. Even with simple undos such as changing the level on a single light. I've encountered this a couple times in larger multiconsole systems. Any help would be appreciated!

I'm running

EOS RPU as primary 

EOS Ti as backup

8 Nomad pucks in client

1 Nomad dongle in client


Parents Reply Children
  • Matt, in the logs that I just emailed you, I did the most-recent displays+record right after a simple undo action.

    1 at full

    takes almost 4 seconds to get back to a usable command line.

  • For reference, Undo is essentially instant on my laptop in offline mode with the same show file.  And in my experience the time it takes to get back to a usable command line is proportional to the number of eos devices on the network.

    While we're on the subject,  if I'm in user 1 and you're in user 2, and I press undo and then arrow up to try to select multiple things to undo: My selection is reset to the bottom every time you do anything (like nexting/lasting through a list of channels in highlight or something).  I frequently have to ask other users to stop typing for a moment while I complete an undo operation.

  • Matt, I just sent in some logs. You should see a displays/ record marker at around 11:38a and 11:48a on 6/20. I'm seeing similar behavior as Paul where other users also can't do anything while I'm undoing.
