Variable in Step Based Cue Help

So, at LDI I had a detailed conversation about using variables in cues that would run in the cue time. Am I missing a part of the process?


Step based cue, simple repeating chase, add for example Var 1 and Var 2 in On State and Decay.

Set Var 1 at 100 and Var 2 and 0

Record the effect into Cue 1 and Cue 2, both with fade times.

Goto Cue 2 - edit Var 1 to 50 and Var 2 to 30, update

Expected result: over the timing of Cue 2, On State fades from Full to 50, Decay fades from 0 to 30. The rest of the effect runs continuously.

Actual result: Cue 2 will restart the effect, from the first step, interrupting the chase rhythm.

File attached showing a version of this idea, but with the same result.

Any ideas?


RickEffect w Var 2024-02-03 11-48-16.esf2

Parents Reply
  • For me, if I wait in Q1 for a while to get through a few of the steps, the moment Q2 is sent, the effect restarts from step 1 and in the timing of the variable change recorded in Q2. What Nick described to me at LDI was that the variable would fade from value to value in the cue's timing, and that the rest of the effect would continue as if it had simply tracked through.
