How long does it take for Carallon to generate a fixture profile?

It's been about two months since I put a fixture request.

The fixture hub says a request has been sent to Carallon for all this time. I was wondering how long it takes for a profile to be generated. It is becoming more and more urgent to have one as the weeks go by.


Parents Reply
  • I found a generic LED RGBWA which seems to work after a fashion. I patched two of them offset so that one half of each EVO64 is controlled by one channel and the other half by the following one.

    I can use the colour picker now though the colours are somewhat adrift; "white" turns out to be quite purple and all the other colours are off too. Attempting to set colour temperatures all come out far too blue which makes them hard to match to incandescents. At least we have some control over them without configuring each DMX address to a separate channel (as in "dimmer" mode).

    Thanks for your suggestion. Can't wait to get a native profile for them. I don't know what the turn-round at Carallon is for this kind of thing but it's certainly more than 8 weeks.
