Position Data not currently copyable

is there a plan to be able to copy position data from one channel to another in A3D patch? right now if you copy aa channel it does not copy any A3D data.

  • I just happened upon another potential use case for copy to.... I don't know my positions, so I drag a light to the pipe and angle it the way i want in A3D. I have 30 more lights that will share that pipe, with different x positions, but everything else the same. Wish I could type in "Chan 1 Position Orientation Copy To Chan 2 thru 30" then just change the x of each light.
  • I just happened upon another potential use case for copy to.... I don't know my positions, so I drag a light to the pipe and angle it the way i want in A3D. I have 30 more lights that will share that pipe, with different x positions, but everything else the same. Wish I could type in "Chan 1 Position Orientation Copy To Chan 2 thru 30" then just change the x of each light.
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