Position Data not currently copyable

is there a plan to be able to copy position data from one channel to another in A3D patch? right now if you copy aa channel it does not copy any A3D data.

  • just finished a big show with many fixtures begin added during load in and tech.  Not being able to copy position info made for a very slow workflow in a very fast moving show.  Augmented was in major use for for fixture selection and having to take the extra time to manually input position data was a huge drawback. The initial plot import was fantastic but the workflow for adding fixtures on the fly was less than optimum.

  • just finished a big show with many fixtures begin added during load in and tech.  Not being able to copy position info made for a very slow workflow in a very fast moving show.  Augmented was in major use for for fixture selection and having to take the extra time to manually input position data was a huge drawback. The initial plot import was fantastic but the workflow for adding fixtures on the fly was less than optimum.

No Data