Position Data not currently copyable

is there a plan to be able to copy position data from one channel to another in A3D patch? right now if you copy aa channel it does not copy any A3D data.

  • I was about to post about just this but the helpful 'ask a question' live search brought up this thread. I'm just sitting down to draw in our basic rig and already wanted to be able to copy position data in patch, or as mentioned - be able to copy say x+y only and input a fan of z. etc etc.

  • I do agree that in the cases you describe, it would be helpful to copy A3D information. There is discussion on allowing copying this information in the future. I will move this thread into the feature request forum. Thank you for the ongoing discussion! 
  • I just happened upon another potential use case for copy to.... I don't know my positions, so I drag a light to the pipe and angle it the way i want in A3D. I have 30 more lights that will share that pipe, with different x positions, but everything else the same. Wish I could type in "Chan 1 Position Orientation Copy To Chan 2 thru 30" then just change the x of each light.
  • Thanks! I had already figured most of that out. I think because "Copy To" is so ubiquitous to every other syntax, that I assumed it would work in this case too. I didn't even think when I started plugging in data that "Copy To" wouldn't work. Should I make a suggestion and see how the community votes on it?
  • Maybe this helps: If you already know that you want to set a mirroring position before setting up coordinates for the first one, you can use command line fan with the Position field in Patch>Augment3d and you can also use the Thru key in the PositionX popups. Chan 1 + 2 Position x1/y1/z1 Thru x2/y2/z2 Enter Chan 3 + 4 {PosX} -1 Thru 1 Enter