Feature and improvement suggestions

Feedback from users like you help us shape and improve Eos for all productions. We receive a large number of feature requests and suggestions from many sources, including this forum. Your comments and votes help us understand which features you’re passionate about, but there are many additional factors which inform development prioritization for any given release.

The most helpful information you can provide us when commenting on issues is how a particular suggestion would help you. If you describe your use-case and how the suggested change would benefit your work, it lets us gain a much deeper understanding of the need behind the suggestion. Suggestions often have an impact on what we work on, even if we ultimately choose not to implement a suggestion exactly as it’s described. Our ultimate goal is to understand what you and all users need and to create solutions that meet those needs. Occasionally, that’ll mean implementing a suggestion as described, but it usually means working to understand the need behind the suggestion and how we can meet that need for as many users as possible.

While we endeavor to update and respond to popular suggestions, the volume we receive means there will be occasions when we can’t provide an update or response in a timely manner. For bugs and show-critical issues, please use our standard forums and support structures: https://www.etcconnect.com/Contact/Technical-Support.aspx

  • Cue List Fader Options Request

    I would love to have the following options that could be toggled on or off. * Off at 0 (Releases the cue list when fader is set to 0). * On at Go (Activates cue list when fader is lifted above 0). * Restore to first (On cue list activation, cue...
  • Magic Sheet Fixture Selection Feature Request

    It would be extremely helpful to have the ability to select fixture on the magic sheets the same way as MA2 Layouts or Hog Plots. would like to be able to have fixture selection be in order selected by the lasso tool rather than just numerical. for example...
  • sACN input not only to submasters but also to faders

    Hey there, I'd like to map sACN to Faders. In our youth theatre ensemble we have got an old Element. It can't upgrade to EOS 3. But I'd like to use my nomad with Augment3d and all these new EOS 3.x features. Element has 40 faders I'd like to use. I...
  • Gadget 2 DMX Input

    • 1 Comment
    I'm missing to use the second port of the Gadget as an DMX Input. This will give use the possibility to use small and cheap DMX fader wings for use as submasters.
  • Flip focus could update shutters and gobo/animation index when swapping from a positive to negative tilt or vice versa

    In short the output beam relative to the stage could be preserved when using the focus flip tool to invert the current tilt. This would be useful when ensuring that a positive tilt is used in successive cues to avoid extreme focus movements. Parameter...
  • Augmented3D Only - Invert Pan/Tilt

    There needs to be a pan and tilt invert option for Augment3D only (the same way you can invert the pan/tilt visuals in moving light display) The issue I had this past week, is that I tried to add Augmented to the show after we already started writing...
  • Console Buttons on direct selects.

    • 1 Comment
    so one doesnt have to build a magic sheet with some commonly used console buttons. might be handy for an nomad user with touchscreeen. Thanks for your time.
  • External link editing - more flexible editing requested.

    When a cue has multiple external links attached to it, it is not possible to remove a single link, it is necessary to delete the entire list and re-enter the required links. This is a request to add a feature to allow the removal of individual links,...
  • Sneak & Delay in live

    Can the ability to sneak or delay a range of times across multiple channels in live please be added? For busking, the ability to "roll out" a focus palette, beam palette, color palette or preset over a fanned timing would be beneficial. For example: ...
  • Password/4-digit pin protection to lockout console

    • 1 Comment
    I know this is something along the roadmap somewhere, but I haven't seen it listed in the new feature requests feed and figured it should be moved here as well. We'd love to see password or 4-digit pin-style protection ability for eos consoles. Regarding...