• Password/4-digit pin protection to lockout console

    • 1 Comment
    I know this is something along the roadmap somewhere, but I haven't seen it listed in the new feature requests feed and figured it should be moved here as well. We'd love to see password or 4-digit pin-style protection ability for eos consoles. Regarding...
  • More than 12 universes on Nomad, please.

    Hello, please let the Nomad users upgrade the universe output higher than 12. I really enjoy the EOS environment while programming and the flexibility of my custom PC that has fast storage, oodles of processing power, a nice graphics card, etc.. The limitation...
  • Feature request: Separate Pop-Up Magic Sheets for separate workspaces.

    Often when working with multiple monitors, we dedicate some workspaces to specific tasks. It would be useful if we could specify a different magic sheet for each workspace that we could customize to utilize that particular workspace most efficiently.
  • Position assignment in patch

    I've only just really started playing with Augment3d properly but the thing I've discovered to be taking the most time is getting my conventional fixtures into roughly the right positions (more so for front of house positions). Unlike with moving lights...
  • Timing Disable Button Mode for Subs

    • 1 Comment
    It would be nice to have a mode for bump buttons that ignores the timing of the bump button and snaps on and off when pressed and released. The reason I suggest this is to save space on my fader wing. Right now, I like to have even/odd bumps for busking...
  • Macro for 4 digits channel number

    • 1 Comment
    I am trying to record macro M1 that I press Chan 10. When I press M1 and want to write 11 (I want result 1011), but I get Chan 10+11. Will be great if will be possible to write M1 and type 11 and I get Chan 1011.
  • Use Console DMX outs as DMX ins

    Just like the ETC Gateways, it would be nice, if you could use the consoles DMX outputs as Inputs as well and also map the DMX channels to sACN output channels, just like you can in Net3 Concert.
  • Pixel Mapping & VMS Updates

    I know an update to the pixelmap and VMS engine are on the horizon, but here's a list of necessary updates I've encountered to bring it up to date with other consoles and services: Pixel Drawing - Ability to make circles and designs similar to what...
  • Scaling of grouped Objects in Magicsheets

    Hello, it would be nice to be able to also scale groups of objects in a Magicsheet instead of only being able to rotate them. For example given the case that a Magicsheet symbol which consist of multiple parts, such as body, scroller and barndoor, has...
  • Rework +%/-% so you can double-press with manual fade.

    I used to use +%/-% quite a bit, but often would double-press to get to the value I wanted. Unfortunately the way it currently operates, the second +% press will add to the value of the fixture mid-fade. For example, Ch 1 starts at 50%, with +% set to...