• Virtual XY, virtual hue/sat for XY profiles

    The new integration of XY input for any fixture using the color picker is fantastic! But its use is a little hamstrung without virtual parameters backing it up so we can: - access X/Y in the ML controls and see it in the channel display for any fixture...
  • Expand Search (Shift+About) Locations

    It's great that we have even more places we can search, but it would be great if it was expanded into: Cue list names (we can search by cue labels, but it doesn't search the cue list label) Macro+Shift+About Events+Shift+About
  • Custom Direct Selects Label in Tab

    When I check "Use Select" in the custom direct select tab settings, I'd like the label to appear on that button. Currently it says "Custom # ".
  • A3d Scanner App

    Hi, first of all: The app is great! However, I already had the following three wishes: 1. It would be great if models created in the app could be further edited or expanded. 2. It would be nice if you had the option to mark the "Focus Palettes...
  • A few feature requests that have fallen through the cracks

    Wanted to follow up on a few bug/feature requests I've made on this forum over the years that ETC has yet to respond to: 1.) When working with multiple cue lists, going backward in a cue list releases channels to home values instead of to background...
  • Don't scroll channel view beyond last channel

    • 1 Comment
    Similar to this request , but for the channel view. I'm often frustrated when I set up my tombstone view so that I can see everything, but then it scrolls down so I can only see the bottom row. Either make it not scroll beyond the last channel or let...
  • Restore hyperlinks when printing to pdf

    There used to be hyperlinks when printing to pdf, for example in the Utilization Report, which would take you directly to Presets, or Color Palettes. Now one has to scroll through to get to Presets. Could you please restore hyperlinks for those of us...
  • Allow mapping macros to unused "Time Template" face panel button

    The "Time Template" button is currently completely unused and superfluous - if I could map a macro to it like the macro buttons above it on the face panel, that would be handy.
  • Query Parameters

    I would like to see Query Params as a new feature. This way you can select all your fixtures by the presence of certain parameters. Example: Query GoboSelect Enter selects all fixture that have a goboselect parameter Query Color Enter...