• Ti Encoder panel as a solo accessory/wing

    • 1 Comment
    The Ti Encoder area of the console is great, far more intuitive than smaller consoles in the range, like the Gio or Ion because of the accompanying touch screen. I use an @5 as my primary and a nomad as my back up consoles, but to have an 'encoder wing...
  • PSD should not scroll down past the last cue

    • Planned for Future on
    • 1 Comment
    PSD should not scroll down past the last cue. I.E. if I have 5 cues recorded, and there is space to view all 5 cues, when I run the cues, all should be visible. Cue 1 should not disappear off the top of the frame as soon as I hit Cue 3. I work in TV and...
  • Chan Orientation and Position on Encoders While in Patch

    • Planned for Future on
    It would be cool to to be able to move and rotate fixtures organically with the encoders whenever you are in the Augment3D section in patch, it would be just like controling a moving light. The focus encoder page button could become the toggle between...
  • Net 3 concert inside Tab

    • Planned for Future on
    • 1 Comment
    I would like it very much. regards Giovanni
  • @Level as Intensity Palettes

    • 1 Comment
    It would be nice if @ Level could be more powerful and reference an intensity palette for more diverse rigs. Most of the time each type of fixture has its own sweet spot for a starting intensity and having it set somewhere for very quick recall would...
  • You should be able to get from Patch to A3d Control Mode without having to go through Live Ch Display tab

    • 1 Comment
    I know this has been discussed...and relates to the years long discussion of hitting Live also bringing the Ch Display into focus and when that is not always what you want. Probably not such an issue in a situation with lots of monitors, but now that...
  • Eos: Add Color Swatch to Query>Text>Gel

    • Planned for Future on
    • 1 Comment
    Since eos already know what gels look like from patch, it would be nice to see them here for a quick selection from query, just like in direct selects: Thanks, Tyler
  • More people options in augment3d

    • Coming Soon on
    We do a lot of concerts so having a drummer, keyboard, grand piano, guitar, etc people would be awesome. Also dancers would help for our dance performances as well. Thanks!
  • multi function (macro) buttons

    • Planned for Future on
    This has probably been requested before, I can't find it It would be great if the macro buttons on the console had more functionality if they could have a sub assigned to it and select toggle or momentary button Or assign as a Direct select for pallets...
  • Support for drops

    • Planned for Future on
    I would like to specify a jpg to be used as a drop. It would look like a curtain in terms of manipulation but show a jpg that would have it's intensity and color modified by the lights shining on it.