• Option to show stage or gate view of shutters in Patch > Augment3d > Shutters

    • Planned for Future on
    E.g. add another button below Angle Home and Thrust Home to swap the view around. For movers this can be done by using a custom shutter order. For conventionals it can currently be done if the unit is flipped, i.e. using a negative X tilt and adding or...
  • Objects don't need a dimension both on the axis and at the object

    • Under Review on
    This is just my opinion, but I think having 2 duplicate X dimensions and 2 duplicate Y dimensions is unnecessary. I realize you sometimes may be too far away from the axes to see them, which is why there is the secondary dimensions not on the axis. For...
  • Lights turned on in live, should not also be on when you switch to edit mode

    Maybe I'm misunderstanding the logic here, but it seems like you can turn lights on in Edit mode but only to focus them, like a kind of highlight. Edit mode is all about editing the geometry of the space, and a light on in Edit mode isn't really on in...
  • Scroll Stopper

    • 1 Comment
    In setup you should implement an option for if you have more than a page of lights, it would stop it from scrolling back to the top once you hit the bottom. This is especially useful if you are scrolling through all your lights to see what a single channel...
  • Warning when changes will not be saved

    • Under Review on
    The console will save in esf and esf2 modes even though changes have been made to A3D. If it is saving in one of those modes, it should issue a warning similar to the one you get when you try to load a show file and haven't saved changes. This is only...
  • cue label

    • Planned for Future on
    There is always a problem with the display of cue label as soon as there is a cue part. See screenshot
  • Add dip switch configuration to Eos patch print-out

    It would be convenient to add the dip switch configuration for starting address to patch print-out in Eos.
  • Merge content into another location

    At present it is possible to merge content from other existing shows with the current show in memory, but it is not possible to export data directly TO another show. For example, it would make it much easier to maintain libraries particularly Effects...
  • Feature Request: Make the effect tab a live tab

    I cannot think of many situations where you would want to change an effect value in blind. Normally, you have to see the effect on stage to tune it. So why is the effects tab a blind tab? It forces you to change between live and blind all the time.
  • Add encoder wheel style input on rfr.

    • 1 Comment
    Need smoother pan or tilt. The slide up or down is to fast or slow with nothing in-between to focus movers. Make the existing one flick or scrub up or down. Its to small of a scale to be anything but difficult. Thanks.