The temperature is 82.5 degrees if DP has been on and all network cables disconnected. I haven't had possibility to test using direct connection. Last week the temp was between 82.5 and 97.5.
I'm curious what kind of temps other users have had in their DPs
I have had similar temperatures with 2 units.. One ended up frying internally which became completely bricked. Nothing on the display at all. Backlight would come on and I would see a link connection with the network ports but wouldn't boot at all. Another unit would randomly reset internally causing it to kernel panic and redownload the image from the console.
Both of these had to be replaced. This was also within a weeks time. They were installed in a rack at the top with space above and below. Noithing underneath with heat. One replaced the other after the first had failed. Had 4 dmx out and 3 art net out and those were all fairly full. Was using 3.1.5
These get far too hot for my liking compared to any other piece of rack gear. You have to use vent panels and can't stack these.
Ryan, have these two units been sent in for repair? I've told service that I want to personally handle all DP8000 repairs, and I've seen nothing like this cross my desk. Did your dealer handle the repair?
The cooling system in a DP8000 is similar to a modern laptop computer. If you browse the web, you'll find lots of comments about how warm laptops run. The system is designed to conduct hear away from the CPU and core chipset components.
When you looked at the diagnostic window, what temperatures did you see? The first two fans turn on at about 71 degC core temp and the 3rd at 85degC. Were the fans running?
When you said "Nothing on the display at all.", was the display completely white, or completely black?
This happened about 2 months ago. To my knowledge these have been repaired. Both were Felix lighting.
I understand these heating up. But the heat coming off the top and bottom casing alone really concerns me. Not to mention those internal temps are quite high.
I remember seeing almost the same exact numbers as the pictures above. Mind you, this was also without any cue lists running.
It was entirely white. Nothing came up on the display at all. It also never came up on the network.
I know we currently have another unit installed. I am nit able to see these temperatures without having someone else on site open this up.. It's installed in Vegas and I live in so cal.
Just called one Hog3 user friend and he had DP at 107 degrees Celsius... So, I guess my temps are not high at all.
But, I have a theory why the temp is so high.
When DP is not under load the CPUs stay cool and the fans are not running, cause they follow the CPU temp. So there's not enough air flow to keep the adapter cool.
I ended up going out to vegas last week, and I captured a picture of this processor while it was just idle. Not too long after powering it up. Maybe 45 minutes.
I started programming some stuff and the cpu temp went up causing the fans to kick in. There is definitely a gap in checking the HogNet adapter temp for controlling the fans.
And even after running this thing fairly hard, I still haven't seen the middle fan kick on.
This install has about 10 universes on it, mostly LED's, some media servers and a few dozen movers.