Android VS Ipods


So as most of us have been looking very forward to the ipod/ipad app from hog. my question is are there any plans to release an android app. There are so many android tablets is all price ranges coming onto the market. I can understand the pain it will be with the large variety. but is it even a plan in the works? I personally prefer android over the apple system any day.

Any coments?
  • an example of said tablets

    Archos tablets slated to ship for next month and mid october
    One I seriously consider buying
  • I dont think your going to see an app for H3 for a long time, unless you make it your self by them, on hemorrhoid or anything , Hey like USB backup
    what is it now 8 years and counting.
  • I'm pretty sure both things (the app and USB) will happen before the end of this year.
    Btw, I know one console brand (made in Germany) which had the same problem and it took several years to fix :)
  • I hope we see both an iPhone app AND an Android app. I have an iPhone 4, never had an Android but I wouldn't want people to have to buy an iPod/iPad/iPhone just for the sake of the App!!

  • USB Backup and a lot more will come in v3.2
    It took a while to change the whole kernel to have USB Backup working...

    (by the way, other new consoles might have an app, but timecode is not working... SCNR)
  • Would love an Android App. I like Android much more then Apple, so that would be great.

    Is there a list, like Avo, with expectations when the updates will come?
  • Android please! I have zero interest in closed, limited, crippled platforms like Apple . . .

    - Tim
  • The problem with android is that you never know which device will run the app, one major downside to the liberated front.
  • That sounds like BS Apple fear-mongering. I have yet to find an Android app that would not run on *any* platform . . . that's what an open platform is all about! And if it won't, it's not the fault of the platform, but rather than of poor programming!

    It's like saying that a program will run on an HP and an Acer, but not a Dell, all under the same Windows release . . . Just not a realistic concern!

    - Tim
  • [QUOTE=tadawson;53940]I have zero interest in closed, limited, crippled platforms like Apple . . .

    +1 :headbang:
    I completely agree with you on this.
  • I really could care less whether anyone buys another black sweater for steve jobs.

    Sorry gents but the lighting industry control platforms are a prime example of closed, limited, crippled platforms. When was the last time a lighting company developed an api dev kit for one of their controllers?

    i wish they would, maybe features everyone has been requesting would make it into the builds sooner than 10 years later. the sad part is that here we are 10+ grand into a piece of hardware be it Martin,MA,Avo,Hog,Vista,Compulight and it cannot be built upon by the end user. bollocks i say. @ HES i still love you guys though.

    I would like to see an android app for the hog, but there are no guarantees that it will work on my garminfone, as nearly half of the apps i have interest in simply do not run on the phone. I guess the device compatibility forums, and countless user comments i have read regarding android apps not running on certain devices, could be a side effect of the kool aid i just drank while standing in line at the apple store.:trink26:
  • Never say never, I guess . . . leave it to Garmin to botch a standard that is pretty much as easy to get right as white bread . . . . .

    I *still* do not consider this a fault of the Android platform, but rather of two things . . . First, Garmin for buggering it up so bad, and second, not researching what you bought first, since this should have been known after about 3 units had been sold.

    At any rate, it's still more portable than (cr)Apple, that runs on *ONE* platform . . . . .

    Sounds like you just made a bad pick, and frankly, I didn't even know Garmin was doing Android . . . at the very least, it isn't exactly a "mainstream" Android product . . .

    And gotta agree on the consoles! At least Chamsys and Hog-3 are on an open platform, but HES seems to be doing their best to cripple the Hog line with WinBlowz . . .

    - Tim
  • Surely everyone here must agree that it is much easier to program for a single type of device, than it is for the multiple versions of android device?

    Even the Google has complain about how much their OS has been fragmented by the phone manufacturers.
    Their most recent version "honeycomb" is currently not open source, due to this fragmentation.

    And of course, if you look at pure numbers.
    For phones Android is a small amount ahead of iOS, but when you add in iPod touch and iPad, iOS has a huge advantage.

    I would argue that it is much more likely that a lighting tech has either a ipad, iphone or ipod touch, than any android device...

    But of course, this is just my .02
    But I enjoy my closed, limited, crippled platform. :D

    Joshua Wood
  • I disagree - violently! The programming standards, interface libraries, graphics interfaces, are all *THE SAME* on all deployments of a given platform - take my example of Windows on Dell, HP, Lenovo, etc. earlier. The compatibility testing lies with the mfg. of *THE DEVICE* and not the application programmer - on platforms such at this, if the platform meets the standard, and the software is written to the platform standard, it will work . . . . and apparently, in lumens case, Garmin did not feel that it was important to bother to verify their deployment to be within standard . . . and this is a problem with the phone market. They primarily market to the kiddies who want the latest toys, and testing, stability, and QC seem to go out the window in favor of fast sales and quick $$$, quite the opposite of what we expect in lighting gear . . .

    That, and what sometimes happens, is that programmers get lazy and write to a fixed screen resolution, and considering that both PCs as well as Android devices have variable screen sizes, this is what typically trips an application from running. And if I recall, I think it was Hog2PC that may have had the same issue on low res screens . . . . I know something did in the lighting world, it just wouldn't start on too low a res screen . . . and that is not a platform issue, that is simply lazy programming . . . .

    And in terms of volume, I suggest you look again . . .the last time I looked, Android units deployed blew by Apple over a year ago, never to look back . . . .

    Oh, and lastly, by definition, since Android in a Linux based platform, subject to GPL, they *CANNOT* legally close the entire platform, and still use those components. They may hold back the Android-centric components (which would have the same net result) but not the overall platform.

    And myself, I prefer the enterprise-class stability of Linux under Android than anything that Apple can dream up . . . . not to mention the huge difference in the number of folks working on the Linux platform compared to Apple - probably somewhere near 100x, but yes, that is a guess . . . (And yes, Linux *IS* in the enterprise in a large way - both as a server OS as well as inside some of the biggest, most stable gear out there . . . . and I can't think of a single enterprise class device using anything from Apple - they cater to the end user . . . ).

    If you like you Apple device, great - that's why there are choices. I find the Apple stuff so dumbed down it makes my ears want to bleed . . . Staples has the "Easy" button . . . Apple should have the "Duh" button . . . . .

    Just my $.02 . . .

    - Tim