HOG 1000 <PIG + Pallete>

hey all

Using hog 1000 current version. Normally when you select a fixture from a group pallete, or selecting beam, colour or position palletes you can un-select by holding PIG and pressing the pallete button again. However, when you type into the console GOTO (insert cue number) and press enter, it does not allow you to unselect. Even if I HOG + RELEASE and/or CLEAR/RESTORE the programmer, then reselect fixture, and/or attributes I can not get it to work. I have had it happen in shows a few times when busking and at some point (not sure what I do) it returns.

Any help on this would be much appreciated.

PS. It has happened consistently after Clean starts + on different shows so none of that effecting it.
  • Dave,

    That certainly seems odd. What versio of software are you using? Have you by chance looked in your event monitor to see if anything is stuck down or missing with your keystrokes?
  • I have just tried the same thing on the hog pc. New show and same response. When you click on it normally with CTRL held down it releases the pallete. But after typing goto 5 , it no seem to work. Quite possible I am doing something silly.
  • Dave,

    I'm able to reproduce your problem. This looks like it's an issue that has been around for quite a while now. The bug has been logged in our tracking system, but the Wholehog 2 operating system is a completed product that is no longer in development. Currently, the only changes being made to Hog 2 software are library updates. If you find yourself in a situation where pig+palette doesn't work, it will probably be easiest to hold down the undo key and touch parameter wheels to knock values out of the programmer.
  • Which is currently what I do. But kinda defeats the purpose of palletes in that situation. Anyway thanks for quick response. Shame that there is no more updates.
  • I'm assuming this last post is basically what's done is done, correct? And that the console bug still exists?

    This has been absolutely killing me lately. Yes, I know I'm still running 2...and yes I know I'm discontinued...but I operate what I'm given :)

    Unfortunately Undo+parameter wheel takes a few seconds longer to do than a Pig+Palette...especially with a moving light with 6 pages of Beam parameters.
  • Ryan,

    I just tried this on a Hog iPC running our current version of Hog 2PC and I am able to reproduce the problem.

    Undo+parameter does take longer than Pig+Palette, but it is an option.

    Your other choices are:

    1) Be aware of when you are using Goto. Use Pig+Palette when you haven't been jumping around in your cuelists.

    2) Undo+Beam (or any other parameter group button). This has the disadvantage of possibly knocking out parameters you wanted to keep, but there may be times when this is more efficient than using undo with individual parameter wheels.

    I've played around with re-applying the palette after the goto, changing values and then re-applying the palette after the goto, and a number of other attempts to get pig+palette to work again, but I haven't found anything that works.

    As I mentioned above, Wholehog 2 is no longer in development. We have occasionally made some library changes, but we are no longer actively developing or fixing bugs for this discontinued product. I understand that this can be frustrating, but it allows us to focus our efforts on the Wholehog 3. If you haven't already, I encourage you to take a look at the Wholehog 3 family and all that it has to offer.

    You can find a brief description of some of the advantages the Wholehog 3 platform offers here:

  • Why am I still on 2/2pc? Sorry Tom...two reasons...

    Astronomical Clock. :)


    Looking forward though..
  • Ryan,

    Those are perfectly reasonable answers. I'm glad to say that we're currently working on an astronomical clock for the Wholehog 3 and you should expect to see it in an upcoming release.
  • Ive noticed whenever you have multiple cue lists active on a hog the thing will crash or start to freak out. Thats why i use them for cue to cue shows and dont use the faders as submasters. I wish HES would clean up this problem. There are some other manufacturers that even though they discontinued their board they will still fully support it over saying i'm sorry its a discontinued product (IE avo) (sorry pepe and mitch) but its true. I think every board has its purpose and when it comes to busking the hog isnt the one for the job. (I'm not saying the Hog III is included in this. I have not tried busking or crossfading ICBF on a Hog III, but i know its a fast was to crash a Hog 500, 1000, and Hog II)
  • Actually I would disagree with you Tim on the H2 crashing.

    I worked in a club for MANY years with an H2 plus expansion wing and I would be running all 42 physical cuelists and many virtual ones as well for 8-10 hours at a time with no crashing. Not just a few "GO"s here and there either....I really worked the desk hard every night. We had four totally full Universes of DMX as well. Many of the lists were IFCB crossfade (probably about 45% or so).

    I can't say for Hog 1000 or 500 though.

    As far as support, I think you'll find Mitch and many others from the HES/FPS staff here answering questions quite often as well as still offering world-class support via phone. The very fact that there is a section of these forums dedicated entirely to H2 should say a lot on its' own.

    The reality with the H2 is that the hardware just doesn't EXIST anymore. So if it breaks the only recourse is to take parts from another one to make it work. So it really doesn't make sense to further develop H2 when H3 has progressed to the place it is now (not to mention where its going).

    Feel free to disagree with me, but this has been my experience.:hogsign:
  • Yes, me too.. I don't agree either.. I think tim is describing how the H2 is beeing used by MANY operators.. this is the normal way to operate a H2 on a festival as an example.. and there's a reason a H2+wing is specced on so many festivals, and the H2 is probably THE most succesful and most used desk over the last 10 years or so, and has been considered the "industry leader" for so many of those years...
  • Ok.... So now i'm wondering if i'm some how doing something wrong. I've been wrong before. The last show i did on a hog II I had about 8 different looks, one on each fader and every one was set to IFCB. Several times i'd pull down all the faders and the console would get stuck in a look. I was using two cyber lights adn two martin pals along with two studio beams. So it's not like I had the console maxed out or anything. I think i have a nack for crashing the hog I guess. Dont get me wrong I like the hog for all my theatrical stuff. I perfer the Hog over any other console. I actually like using my old elektralite CP100 for concerts, just programming X-spots on it is a PITA b/c you actually have to enter the instrument in as two fixtures do to a channel limitation of the fixture. This is the hog with the flickering screens and if there is a voltage drop to the CPU that could cause issues i guess. I've tried doing crossfade IFCB on the Hog 1000 but it would lock up every now and then. Its been a while since I have tried it, but I will try it again the next time i have a chance.
  • mmm sounds like you can have a hardware problem i guess.. Normally i would call the H2,500,1000 for "rock solid".. and crashing it is rare.. so if you have a desk that's caousing you problems, i would have somone with service experience of the hogs have a look at it.. or send it in to someone..
  • Tim,

    I've done quite a bit of busking on a Hog 1000 and I've never seen the problem that you describe. If you're having other problems with the console, it's certainly possible that you're having hardware problems.

    How repeatable is the problem?
    If you have a show file you can send me, I'd be glad to load it up here in our test lab and see if I can reproduce it.
