Add Matrix Editor


in a world of steadily increasing lighting set ups, especially in the led section, there is a strong need to matrix control. today a fixture often is nothing more but a pixel!

is there any development going on?


  • Well until they give us a fully interactive GUI just for LED pixels....:rolleyes:

    You can get some realy amazing results using the wonderful and powerful set of features "Grouping" & "Buddying". They're designed to work like a build-your-own-matrix set of features.

    The new Catalyst v4 will have the pixelMAD softwre built in to it, and I think this will be the way to go if you need anything video-esque.:headbang:

    Anything abstract, try playing with "Grouping" & "Buddying". Your layout of groups will also play an important role.

    I feel your pain though....I programmed a set peice for the last Fashion Week here in NY that had 250 LED nodes.:Eyecrazy: :eek:
  • I have an idea of how some other manufacturers have implemented matrix functionality, but it would be great if you could give me a detailed description of exactly how you'd like the matrix to function. How would you access it, how would you add fixtures, how would you control output, how would you apply effects, etc. (anything and everything)

  • I will second this request...
    I had some jobs where I had to program a matrix, no this makes no fun :dunce: at all when i look at the functionality of other consoles which have a matrix program implemented.
    I don't think it can be the solution to say use a catalyst because when you got your own hog, i got mine, i'm not willing to use another instance to get a led matrix running and this is not a exotic thing, you got this task on many exhibitions and shows...
    So i like to have an integrated solution in the WH III. Especially the patching of the matrix should be easy, as well as some functions where you can define the matrix, say 10x10, and you can mark the boxes on the screen, can define things like text by marking cells on the screen, have some figures, have some movements in different directions...
    this would be my first ideas about it...
    Have a nice week ! :D
  • my idea of a good matrix-control is, that programming should be independend from the fixtures.
    What I'm trying to say is, I want to define/patch a matrix somewhere (maybe I'd just add X/Y/Z-positions to the lamps in the patch? this way I'd be able to take a group of fixtures, tell the desk "include these fixtures in my matrix" and the desk would be able to do the rest) and then have effects that I can run on a matrix (red to blue from left to right). In this example, a matrix could be of different lamps as long as they have CMY or RGB.
    I could make different groups to create new matrixes (i.e. split my big matrix into 2 or 3 separate ones) and then run different effects on each of them.

  • I'm not diagreeing that a GUI matrix for LEDs would make life easier.;)

    I have found Grouping and Buddying to be very powerful in this area however. The number of Repeats and Buddies really gives much more flexibility than most people realize. The structure of your groups...not only the fixtures in them, but the selection order within the group is also key here.

    It takes a little getting used to, and you have to plan it all out a bit as well, but it's not all that hard once you get going with it. I've found it very easy to make chases etc, that mimick the FX in Color Play and the on-board macros of the Pixel-Line gear with this.
    I too have my own Hog-3, :beerchug: but when I know I'm going to to need to do anything other than color washes or abstract flash-n-trash FX, color sweeps, etc. my personal preference is to get a media server.

    I realize this is may not be viable for everyone in all situations, but I highly reccommed it if you can swing it! Especially the as I mentioned earlier the Catalyst v4 w/ the integrated pixelMAD......if you've never seen pixelMAD before, it is exactly what you are describing here;)

    So having said all that, maybe there is an easy way to create a GUI of a similar nature to pixelMAD based off of the already included Grouping and Buddying functions?

    Any thoughts O Wise Gurus?:notworthy:
  • In my opinion if you are going to be controlling a large number of LED "pixels" then you are better off using a pixel mapping product such as pixel mad or now Catalyst V4. No matter what lighting console you use, nothing beats using video clips that are easily modifiable for LED control. No matter what type of interface is on a console, it can not beat the power of a media server or pixel mapper in terms of creative ability it provides the LD.

    I do feel that lighting console should add some simple matrix control for basic "blocks" of control, but purely from a creative standpoint the possibilities are endless with a media server compared to programing capabilities of so many pixels on a desk.
  • Plus, when you think about it....if you've got the budget for big LED probably have room for a media server too!:friday:
  • Matrix

    mhmh Hog III and matrix would be fine.
    BUT finer where when a DP can handel a full load of 2048 HTP and unlimited
    crossfades as it was discribe in a brochure in 2003 !
    As we all also know the DP can not handel a full load of HTP / LED !!!
    So you have to rent more DP and when you do this you can spend youre money also for a Catalyst to drive youre LED.
    Painfull but it is like it is.
    So when we see on the other side that some console can handel this and then see the price of pices for there system I can cry when I see the HES prices for an dp and then.........
    Its always hard to invest in a new system but I hope and I believe that the
    pig blows over oure industrie.....You are all HES/FPS ona good way

  • can be a bit frustrating at times, but every new version of software has been pushing us further and further forward!

    Another cool feature of the Catalyst v4 is that it sends the DMX signals to your LEDs via ArtNet.

    So just hook up Catalyst to your DP and the server takes care of the rest.:)
  • there are a lot of reason for using a media server to program led´s.
    but i agree wit denis that it is not very easy to explain the customer
    why he should spend more money for a hog III and a catalyst system,
    if other systems do not need a extra media server and also using a cheaper desk !!

    so if it comes to the most painfull situation it looks like this:

    a nice full size grand MA.
    NO or a other media server
    one other grandma OPERATOR. (NOT ME!!)

    so this would be a nightmare.

    i think that are more then enough reasons to implement a nice led GUI
    INSIDE the hog III !!

    so please go for it !!


    robert gurk
  • Hay,

    the other way is in germany: I know many many people they go to MA.
    Last night a got a telefon session with a guy how has a Hog III.
    In Frankfurt they order a drand MA full Size with 2 NSP`s.
    And that all for 27.000 Euros !!!!!!
    Also Procon in Hamburg are now full with GrandMa.
    Jerry A programm also with grandMa now ( Echo 2005 ect )
    So gents at HES / FPS please think about youre prices and performance
    please please.
  • Nice graphics Steph! I think something like this is definitely a great way to go!:cool:

    As for cost of media servers etc....we have a saying here in NY that "You don't get nuthin' for nuthin'" IOW - You always get what you pay for in all things.;)

    Just because it's cheaper, doesn't make it better or the right tool for the job.....personally if someone asks me to mow an acre with a pair of scissors, I either turn them down or convince them that a lawn-mower is better. Now as to which mower you need or like....that's an entirely different thing.;) :)
  • I think we have to find something between media server and nothing. Light desk will not do all media server could, but we can find something good.

    i will try to draw it better next week, if any body had more ideas.
  • I agree that you should use a special media-server for a big LED-matrix and things like that.
    But I'd like to have a simple matrix-function just for some basic effects.
    I think of having a rig with 4 or 5 parallel trusses and washers every 5 feet.
    I be happy if I could just to be able to have color-chases running from front to back, left to right, center to side, diagonally, without having to build tons of groups an setting offsets for the groups and so on.
    My Idea would be:
    - I give all lamps x/y/z-positions in the patch somewhere
    - Then select all washer in the rig and say "take this as a matrix in the x/y-area" ->save as matrix 1.
    - Now put effects on the matrix, chases, colorchanges, whatever and be able to control direction, speed and so on.
    For anything like video or text I'd use a seperate media server or maybe ecue...
    The advantage of this approach would be, that you can put your effect on a new matrix with a different size and a different type of lamp and you would never have to care about exact positions of the lamp if your Matrix doesn't fit in a grid. The desk could calculate the positions in the matrix itself based on you x/y/z-positions.