What would you like to see in a new fixture?

What kind of new fixture would you like to see?
I'm gonna put up a few poll ideas but if you don't see something you like feel free to share your ideas.:D

Myself I'm lookin for a nice 1200w+, spot yoker with good prisims and fx to replace my X-spots with. I need more punch.:headbang: Even a 2k model would be cool or a unit that would do both.

And I must say this. Bring back the Tracspot! What fool would stop making the worlds best club light? Clients ask for them by name!
Bullet proof! Easy to maintain! Reliable beyond all others! A true LEGEND!
  • I like the idea with the studio color.

    Maybe a 2k Wash like Showgun (ColorGun???) with the Colormixing of the stucol and convection cooled:headbang: . And with such a bright lamp ---- a big big zoom!!!

    That's all I want.

    Cheers Roman

    P.S.: The price should be the same like the color is:joke:
  • [quote=josh wabaunsee]i want to see a re worked cyberish light....mirror, 700-1200 watt class...There is no fancy dancy fx that can beat a 0 sec snap movement chase...

    I want to see the studio command color mixing fixed....i see way to many color artifacts and the mixing is not smooth accross the beam...and why when are they in congo(dark moody) do i have to deal with a bright white/silver color at the snout of the light. when i look up....kinda ruins the reason to do a congo only wash. Maybe just make me a 1200 watt studio color(IMHO the best wash light ever)


    I am sorry guys, but I HATE the Studio Command... My Church bought some sight unseen before I got there... The mixing is pretty bad across the beam, the reds dont have as much definition, certain colors dont come out very well or come out too bright... Luckily you cant actually see the fixtures where they are hanging...

    Plus the kid before me hung them in a front light position so they totally overpower the backlight 575's and X-Spots... But the whole rig is terribly designed and they wouldnt let me redesign it... But oh well, they gave some kid my job after the new year anyway...

    Give me a 1200 watt profile with shutters and a 1200 watt wash... Oh yeah, and I will take the Trackspot back... But please, no DJ scanner trash, leave that to Martin and American DJ...

  • Personally I love all 3 of the Studio Command models.

    I've had no issues with any of the color mixing that you describe.

    I'll take any one of the SCs over a VL-500 ANY DAY....they beat the piss out of the VLs.

    And the colors that come out of the 1200 are just so much nicer than anything else in its' output class b/c the lamp temperature is so great.

    I could keep on raving...:soapbox: ...but I'll get down now...:D

    Just my opinoin after many many very successful gigs with Studio Commands.
  • huh?

    we must have different ideas then

    ive been burned several times programing them in daylight just by looking at the lens and trying to guess what color is really gonna come out....cause what you see at the lens(much like the studio beam btw) is not the color on stage....dial in congo and look up....the lens is kinda bright, and not congo colored... i get the same thing when i make amber... or greens

    when i place the studio commands along a ground row up or down lighting a cyc i get streaks of multicolor rather than beams of red, amber, or green.

    josh wabaunsee
    Lighting Designer
    Mystic Lake Casino
  • I hear what you are saying, but I never trust the lens on any fixture to tell me what the light will look like once it hits something.

    Even in daylight I will point one at something I can see, like a white wall, piece of truss, other fixture in the rig, etc.. to build colors. I also always go back and check my colors once it gets dark.

    Yes there are some blending issues if you place them in close proximity of a cyc or wall, but generally if you play with the position a little bit to get it just slightly farther away this problem goes away.

    Additionally, if you really need it, there is a color frame accessory for Studio Commands that you could drop some light frost or silk into.
  • I think the showgun is definately lacking in gobos. For the big bright movers, i'm staying with the coemar I-Flex spots and washes. 2k watts, yet you can dial it down to 1200 or 700 watts to match other fixtures on the rig, yet when running at 700 or 1200 watts and you get into the dark colors it will kick up to 2k watts to make up for lost intensity. Then you get a bunch of gobos and such to play with on top of color mixing :D.

    I mean the show gun is a really big and bright light, but come on, only 4 gobos, my cybers have more that that, for theatre i really need a large selection of gobos. When it comes to really big and bright muscle and no gobos, i'll take my 4k colormixing xenon.
  • [quote=TimMiller]I think the showgun is definately lacking in gobos. For the big bright movers, i'm staying with the coemar I-Flex spots and washes.

    I mean the show gun is a really big and bright light, but come on, only 4 gobos, my cybers have more that that, for theatre i really need a large selection of gobos. When it comes to really big and bright muscle and no gobos, i'll take my 4k colormixing xenon.

    Have you gotten the chance to actually use a SHOWGUN yet? It really is in a fixture class all its own, and comparing it to other fixtures simply isn't fair to them b/c SHOWGUN is so well engineered in comparison.

    The Coemars are just so outright unreliable!

    The SHOWGUN optics and color mixing blow away every fixtue I have seen up to the 5k/7k range...including xenons.....try getting a sharp ACL like beam with NO extra halation on a xenon fixture....it won't happen, to say nothing of getting a smooth dimming curve at minimum zoom, sharp focus and a 45 sec fade time....etc, etc...

    I personally don't find the 4 gobo slots really very limiting If you really need that many gobos it is time to "go digital" then anyway in my opinion...DLs give you no realistic limit to the number of gobos you have, plus with DL.2 you are not limited by physical optics, meaning that not only is brightness maintained, but you can control the color and sharpness of each patten on an individual basis and not have to pick an overall color, or which pattern is sharp or not.

    I'll take a DL.2 doing foliage breakups with the image moving organically, over a VL-3k in a foliage breakup in green moving inorganically any time.
  • I love the DL2's, i just cant wait until they come up with one in a 10k lumen version :D.
  • I do most of my work in the club/dj, small corp events ect. and some of the things i've seen that I like are:
    1 gobo morphing like the design spot 250(two stacked gobo wheels lots of gobos). gobos and more gobos I pimp'd my studio spot 250s with 3 more gobos on the f/x wheel, no small task cause a stock 250 dosen't hard focus on the f/x wheel but, I made it happen(the slow & step glass do nothing for me).
    2 "zap flash" I think it's vari lite that has this, I've have not seen inside one to see how they do it but the effect of of bright white flash blinding/washing out any color is cool!
    3 yes a good prizim 3 or 5 as long as it give you 3 or 5 images
    4 again I'm impressed with the profile/wash of the design spot 250, it works far better then a simple frost chip on an fx wheel.
    5 A head and scanner set, kinda like the studio 250 and the techno, but matching gobos colors ect. this way if you use a combo of them they look the same. simple yes but no one seems to do it?
    6 110-120v with a 300-575watt discharge bulb or EVEN BETTER some new type ultra bright LED maybe like 25watter?
    7 FAST!!!!!!!!!moving
    8 just a off the wall idea but, maybe a emulater effect built in or even a "FAT BEAM" RGB LAD

    Build it and they will buy it!!!:outtahere:
  • Im for the 2k wash units (but a must have) interchangable lenses like the mac2k wash. i'm for a 2k spot fixtures as well. A 2k spot with shutters with an fx for lighting sceneic would be super to have. OH yea, i like the minishogun idea too.
  • Bring back the trackspot!!! Its affordable, easy to maintain, and runs forever. I think that was the best light ever made by high end and people love them. I have people ask for them all the time. Emulator wasnt a bad light either. I think martin is making something similar bet very pricy. Bring back the emulators and the tracks!!!