Commands in Magic Sheet

 Hello Everyone,

I'm running a 11-unit setup in a showroom (EOS+gadget on windows or mac) where I want to integrate a simple touch screen and a mgic sheet to alter our LED fixtures. Magic-sheet setup is doable, but i've run into problems, when it comes to "create a button" which should recall a certain cue or execute a function like "channel 1 through 11 intensity 40".

So in short:

- how do I setup commands for a magic sheet button (I know its target must be "command") - but how do I execute "Go To Cue 2"?

- is there an overview of possible commands (e.g. "got to cue")? (the user manual and its various unstructured supplements is a nightmare)




Parents Reply
  • It does come down to the complexity of your commands. Sure if they are short ones like @30 or Sneak 2 but not if they are more complex ones. Commands are more prone to error as you have to spell them just right whereas the macro is just the button you press.

    I'd also argue that what are you really going to use macros for id they are not being used from a magic sheet as you are not really going to remember the numbers to type in once you gave a few. (ok a few may be from execute on cues or OSC).

    As with all of this a bit of structure and planning may be need eg show specifc macros are numbered 1 to 100 and general use magic sheet ones are 200 up.

    Sam, I'm also not sure how you would avoid needing to merge in the presets and palettes, you're rather limiting your magic sheet if you dont allow it to refer to presets and palletes.