Commands in Magic Sheet

 Hello Everyone,

I'm running a 11-unit setup in a showroom (EOS+gadget on windows or mac) where I want to integrate a simple touch screen and a mgic sheet to alter our LED fixtures. Magic-sheet setup is doable, but i've run into problems, when it comes to "create a button" which should recall a certain cue or execute a function like "channel 1 through 11 intensity 40".

So in short:

- how do I setup commands for a magic sheet button (I know its target must be "command") - but how do I execute "Go To Cue 2"?

- is there an overview of possible commands (e.g. "got to cue")? (the user manual and its various unstructured supplements is a nightmare)




Parents Reply
  • Pretty much the majority of the buttons of this magic sheet are commands with exception to the edge/zoom/iris buttons:

    I'm not saying you should never link them to presets and palettes, but limiting the amount certainly helps. If you can do it with a command, use the command. If you need to, learn the macro and copy it into the command text field.
